Upgrade from dual to triple LNB dish - need help


New member
Username: Dmuse

Post Number: 10
Registered: Aug-04
I am an audio nut but know very little about Satellite (so far). I bought Direct TV service with a 4 room package (one is a Tivo) and the round dish about 10 months ago. A friend sold me his 3lnb Oval dish last week for $10. I have an HD ready TV and plan to get the HD receiver. From here what do I do? Can I just swap the round with the Oval, plug in the HD receiver, and roll? I'm not sure what to do when you disconnect the round...is it the same connections to the oval? It is on the roof so i need to be prepared (renting a ladder). Should I be prepared to flash around the dish once i replace it?

Unregistered guest
i beleive all you have to do is change out the lnb

Silver Member
Username: Tvlonely

Post Number: 194
Registered: Jun-04
I recently swapped my round with an oval triple LNB. This sounds like just what you are doing and it was a piece of cake. Fortunately the main bracket is the same, so just put the new dish in place of the old and hook up the four coaxial cables. You'll need tools as listed on the instructions; I needed to run down for a can of wasp spray. You will need to readjust the dish; start with it roughly in the same direction. The are adjustments in 3 planes. I turned the audible signal strength meter on my TV up loud and opened windows so I could hear it from the roof; ended with a strength of 87 to 90 and great reception. I expected problems but it was easy - except for the wasps.

Silver Member
Username: Tvlonely

Post Number: 195
Registered: Jun-04
david - don't just change out the LNB. You need the oval dish for HDTV and local channels.
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