Anonymous--If you were who you are insinuating you are, if you were anyone important at all, like you're pretending to be, if you really had been "taking info from this thread for a very long time," than you'd sure as heck know that "the original Calli777" is "Cali777," with one "L".
Why are you such a jerk? klutz? schmuck? putz? wuss?
Unregistered guest
Posted on
This thread is total bogus.No valuable P4 info at all.Info is very old,No hack.The no 745 board only changes the cam ID,thats not anything now,was only useful for blacklisted P3 camid's or no sub bin...flaming and bullcrap..keystone cops.
Posted on
tonto you better read again. There is some very helpful posts in here. You just got to weed through all the junk post, but there are some good ones here.
Tonto speekum with forked tongue and $hitty buckskins...him very lame..him seen in forest with sheep making much whompum...bring much shame on village...him like touch small boys...want make sucky sucky on there little totom's.
Yours in christ Simple Minded
Unregistered guest
Posted on
hey tony go back to the reserve where you belong and get red skins do that great
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Tonto was a "redskin. Why name yourself Tonto if you are racist? As for Tony, I don't believe that Christ would support your racist attitude. Actually, I am sure of it. Maybe skip the slogans until you re-dedicate yourself tp Christ and eliminate your hatred and ignorance.
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Another thing, Tony sanuitti, joking about pedophelia is an action of a sick man. I urge you to seek counselling and renew your faith in God.
Hey guys, I got this in my email I don't know what they are talking about but I'm sure some of you do, and just maybe it might be some help to you.Can you let me know. Thanks!!
Dear P4info Members,
After many hours and planning, we have moved to VB3. Thanks goes to Pitbull for the converter. However we lost files, but thats it. Since phpbb2 uses ftp system not DB. Well all members should be up and running, and most if not all posts are up. The new style we are working on, so the logo is off base. So please excuse the german language as we are working on it. Thanks again. Good luck gizz p4info Team
LOL take a pill.. I say "yours in christ" as a joke... see I'm atheist ..I've seen anough to know that god's are for people who are afraid of the dark and unknown. If thats what you need to get through your life fine. The other remarks were made in jest and should be taken as a joke. So if I hurt anyones feelings please feel free to sit on your thumb and rotate till you feel better.
Freedom of speech rocks!!
Posted on
So I have to change my Bye-line due to pressure from the religous right. I can't wait till Bush is out of office.
Yours politicaly correct Simple Minded
Kerry in '04
Posted on
You hate religious people? How close minded of you. If you dont like the mention of God or Christ then i bet your pissed at the founding fathers. Communist China might be a good place for you. I hope your God-less self doesnt commit suicide when Bush is re-elected over that waffling on every issue Kerry.
Posted on
"Freedom of speech rocks!,but dont you dare mention God". Anyone see a problem with this?
Posted on
"In God we Trust". It must make you sick everytime you see $. Ofcourse one solution is to always use a credit or debit card.
Unregistered guest
Posted on
i see that even without me cousing shiit you peaple cant resist a fight of words lmao you guys are unbeleivable
every one quit your f@#kin b!tchin. I beleave in god but I dont come to this forum to hear about it if I wanted to hear about god Id go to church. Peaple can say what thay want to say but go the f@#k some where elses and do your complaining. Some of us here would like to learn thing about the TOPIC "Programming p4 and p5(D1) cards" so get back to the topic if you want to argue open a new tread some where else and name it "B!TCHS"
Hear that cackling sound in the background? That's "the mouth" and his "cronies" (most of them his alias's) laughing at all of us. He would even have one of his alias's flaming another of his alias's so that this garbage became commonplace. He even got some of you to apologize to him (it's called "bait and hook"). Now he's got the good guys flaming other good guys (of course, "divide and conquer"...and he did.) If he couldn't run this show, the show wouldn't go on.
Geez, guys, look at his posts: Has even one of his accusations turned out to be true? Not a one, against anyone. Yet he somehow managed to get some of you taking up his side! It doesn't make you bad for doing so, it just means that you're more gullible than you might think you are.
When you hear any long argument, don't look for that one kernal of truth and then decide "Well, if that's true, then the whole argument is true." That's what defense attornies do in criminal cases: They want to "punch a hole" in the prosecution's case, and thereby create a "reasonable doubt." The prosecution can't do that. They have to prove everything that they contend is true, whereas the defense merely has to plant a seed of doubt. They never have to prove that their client is innocent.
And "the mouth," acting as his own defense attorney, couldn't "prove his innocense" by responding directly to the accusations (he refused to "take the witness stand"); instead, he appealed to everyone's emotions with that long harangue about "Why is everybody picking on poor me? No matter what I say or somebody flames me. I fought for all your freedom, and you treat me like this?" Enough of you bought it, so he was found "not guilty," and look at what he has done since.
Yeah, that's him & him & him cackling in the background.
Unregistered guest
Posted on
This is a message for Walter Brown. Many people who post her or just come here to read beleive you are the number one guy here. I'm not desputing that you know alot of $hit, but when you post stuff that is not true to look cool (setting your ppv) you're not helping here you're setting us back. You said you unmarried and set your ppvs on your p4 card. That same file you claimed to use has been tried by many people to no avail. The site you tell everyone to buy an iso programmer from is a known dave site. WHATS UP WALTER? I'm not trying to bash you, but I will speak the truth whenever you don't. If everyone here would stick to topic and only post either questions, answers or true info, we would all get to our goal alot faster.
Was just reading thru the post. What a shame that some a** wipe have nothing better to do then try to cause hate an discontent. Anyhow, back to the real topics. a 745 apollo boot strap board still works. i've explained once before. Mine been up an running for about 70 days.never dropped any channels. pm me if ya want more info. Boots
Was just reading thru the post. What a shame that some a** wipe have nothing better to do then try to cause hate an discontent. Anyhow, back to the real topics. a 745 apollo boot strap board still works. i've explained once before. Mine been up an running for about 70 days.never dropped any channels. pm me if ya want more info. Boots
Was just reading thru the post. What a shame that some a** wipe have nothing better to do then try to cause hate an discontent. Anyhow, back to the real topics. a 745 apollo boot strap board still works. i've explained once before. Mine been up an running for about 70 days.never dropped any channels. pm me if ya want more info. Boots
Sorry guys about multi posts, keep getting an error message that it hadn't gone thru. lol guess it had but didn't register. Boots
Unregistered guest
Posted on
boot- explain how it was done, what script did you use?
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Just heard that there is a site called is selling a direct tv cardless receiver. $225 includes shipping and 1 year support. Pretty scammy if you ask me.
just checked out the site,the temptation is there,but it seems like a scam!holy $hit wouldn't it be nice if they were legit!anyone had any dealings with these folks?
Posted on
impossible unless they completely reverse engineered the asic which to my knowledge was never done with the football let alone the P4.
Bee Dub
Unregistered guest
Posted on
WOW!! Lots of ppl here either don't know how to work with/use the English language or their only objective is to screw with those who really want to get a P4 hack. Regardless: Would those people who care about this forum (i.e Walter & Kenneth, et. al) please ignore those who are out to take valuable time from the cause at hand!! And we'll go forward despite the ignorance of the few!!
Unregistered guest
Posted on
why is it that peaple come on this site and pretend that they know what they are talking about .christ my 10 year old knows more than some of you peaple. heres a suggestion read read read.
some people take things way too seriously,relax!life's.too short,go to the fridge and crack open a cold one,it was just a f$ck'n question!!no need to get all bent out of shape.
the voice
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Kenneth...U are grossly mistaken...I have nothing to do with any posts here..I have and always will use my nick " the voice" here..I don't need to be somebody else here..This is why I think you're an assho;e...U accuse me of BS,which I have nothing to do with..I don't post here anymore using ANY name,cause I will get bashed either way...U are a focked up person,who has nothing better to do than bash everyone to make yourself look good...yes I visit rarely now,but never post anymore..get a life...U're barking up the wrong tree missy! ...and please 1941,who are U BSing!....and U definitely owe me an apology,but U aren't man enough to do so...and too young to understand why!...U have your little Moonie gig going on here,its entertaining at the least!...long live the Reverend Jim Jones aka Kenneth David (DTV)rep...drink his Koolaid,he's already poisOned everyone...just look at this site and who the biggest poster and problem is...he's in the middle of all the crap..if U were smart U woulf ban him..AND MAY JESUS STRIKE ME DEAD IF I AM LYING,AND I AM A DEVOUT IRISH CATHOLIC! ..KENNETH, U ARE TROUBLE,A LIAR AND A DTV PLANT!..DISRUPTING THESE FORUMS,THEN ACCUSING ME,WHO HASN'T SAID A WORD OR POSTED ANYTHING LATELY...
BTW...I am going to Martha's Vineyard (which I already educated U on) for the next few weeks,so U can bash me all U want (which I know U will)
the voice --You're fingerprints are all over your posts, under any name, but I'm not going to debate with you, brother. Enjoy your trip to M.V. I always did when I lived in Marblehead, and my brother still does because he still lives in Medford: Top house on top of "The Mountain."
Peace and love, Ken
the beast
Unregistered guest
Posted on
the voice is right on the money. but he is a war hero so we should cut him some slack. when pigs fly. i realy dont understand how all the other peaple on this site cant see through him.
Unregistered guest
Posted on
kenny come out to play? how on earth can you say peace&love when you murderd so many peaple in all your war campains? you are so full of shiit your breath stinks. do you choke on it?
Unregistered guest
Posted on
j.a. I don't think anything was directed towards you. Don't sweat it.
Unregistered guest
Posted on
The way I see it - we were all on the same boat sailing free for so many years until it happened- the sails broke leaving us stranded. Let's work together to get the sails back up and we will all be sailing free once again.
replying to an earlier post it does work walter leslie ken taz voice all you good guys and girls you need a quick putr but it does work...........
Unregistered guest
Posted on
im happy fin24 took you idiots for money. it just shows how gullable and desperat you dickweeds are what you peaple must not have a life or freinds out there or you would not put so much time in on this lmao
firtst off Bee Dub who the f*ck are you refering to second Voice would that be electric koolaid (okay you young ones will have to research Ken Kesey (author of one flew over the coocoo (however it is spelled) nest and the merry pranksters from the late 60's)( or tom wolfes the electric koolaid test) )And third I thought it had already been determined that cpwave was a scam so why is millard pushing them and fourth yeah I can't feel sorry for anyone finish 24 took either you should have read before sending the scammer money. and fifth I think I need another fifth.
Posted on
Hey Leslie I think everybody thought yoo were a broad! man!!!!!!!
I have a question for any one how can answer it Im going to switch to Dish until the hack for the p4 comes around Im going to buy the pvr 501 I was wondering if I could use my DTV dish or do I need to buy a dish network dish?
ya need two DTV dishes though or the Dishnet 500 with the twin LNB. See theres two sat signals from Dish. 109 and 110 I think.. I'm not sure as to the numbers but I know theres two sat signals to pull down.
Simple Minded
Unregistered guest
Posted on
It's four in the morning and I guess Walter Brown had no explanation as to why he lied about setting his ppv limits and unmarrying of a p4 card. Walter, maybe you impress yourself and all the people here that don't know much about this stuff (which unfortunately these days MOST OF THE PEOPLE HERE DON'T KNOW $HIT FROM $HIT WHEN IT COMES TO HACKING ANYTHING). Lying about hacks or setting ppvs or anything else will not help us get dave tv. I find it amazing how many times you've been so full of $hit and still people think you're very credible (people apparently get really stupid without their free dave). Walter, if you want to ignore me then ignore me. We both know I'm speaking the truth, everyone else if you don't beleive me or choose to ignore me, well you don't know much and I feel sorry for you guys. I gain nothing by posting this, I do it because it really bothers me that a smart guy like Walter (who has helped many and can still help many) lies sometimes and by doing so sets some of us back a few steps. Walter Brown, I've said it before and I'll keep saying it, STICK TO THE FACTS, ONLY TEACH AND POST ABOUT STUFF YOU'VE PERSONALLY DONE. STUFF YOU HEAR OR HEARD ABOUT AREN'T ALWAYS FACTS SO DON'T PRETEND THEY ARE.
Uh.. ya know.. I know I'm not the most respected person here but TRUTH has a point.. several times walter has given us false info....made statements that werent totaly true and were easly found out to be false. I dont know maybe i'm wrong but TRUTH makes a point. Yours in a lepord print th0ng Simple Minded
for get what they say bad about u
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Every one get's so excited to here any type of news of the hack ,that we will try any thing.No need to place blame on any one , the fact remains that, u can try to see if the info work for u or don't try,eaither way it will be at your own risk,just as when other info was availble{HU}.
For get all these neg comments about people lieing either u will give it a try or u won't. keep up the good work and keep those informed that are will to take chances.
"Mr. Whitefolks" -- I put your name in quotes because you are such a lousy impersonator. The real Mr. Whitefolks is one of the skunkiest people I've ever read, like you are, but that maniac was at least half-a$$ed educated and could spell, use proper syntax, etc., at about the 12th grade level. You wouldn't pass the 8th grade. Further, the original was a racist and all that other evil garbage, but he was proud of killing and pillage and war. If he were attacking me, he'd be attacking the point I made about never having fired my weapon off the range in my six years of active duty, not vice versa. Your tone has such a familiar ring to me. I wonder why? "Imao"
James Millard -- You have good posts. With no hint of sarcasm, tho', I'm not quite getting your reference: Are you referring to The Truth's advice to Walter Brown? I have great respect for both of these guys, but I'm too new, too ignorant, to know who is right. If I have the right reference, could you please expand upon your comment? Thanx.
Taz Spin -- Love you too, man, but I think you missed Bee Dub's point. He was obviously NOT re-ferring to you or anyone else who might misspell or mis-punctuate or whatever (heck, he even saluted Walter, another good guy who's the first to admit that he could care less about spelling). He was referring to the bum-ba$tard$ who couldn't even rant and rave properly. At least that's my take.
Anonymous -- If you were referring to my earlier post, I thought I was very pleasant in my response to the voice's puke. (Now it's after midnite) If you're referring to other ppls comments, I have zero control over my peers, good or bad. But if you're just looking to criticize or insult or belittle someone else with your "observations" before midnite, you might well start criticizing yourself.
Tony -- Now that's more like it, Good Neighbor. (118 and 110)
THE TRUTH -- As stated earlier, you're way out of my league when it comes to hacking, et al. You may be as good or better than Shrek2, I don't know that yet. And you can write, THAT I do know. But I must say that I liked your first post to Walter a lot better than the last one. Maybe it's just the hour.
Oh yeah: Taz-man, I'm a great fan of Ken Kesey (One Flew Over the Coocoo's Nest)(and I'm not even sure about my spelling of coocoo). "On the Road" was my second favorite because I played the "schizo" in an off-Broadway version of "One Flew Over..."
G'nite, Ken
Unregistered guest
Posted on
for get what thet say bad.... Guy I don't know what kind of crack you smoke, but anyone who reads whatever the hell you just posted will end up a little stupider cause of it. Please reread what you've typed before you post next time, holly $hit.
Unregistered guest
Posted on
From another thread
"Guys I am in Dominican republic and yes, P5 has been hacked. I had seen one card yesterday working with all PPV channels. Its a activation type program where you actually buy the PPV with the remote. I think the limit is 200 dollars on PPV. They are charging $30/month for the programing. Its true, P5 cards are hacked and working but not many people have it at the moment. They don't want to comercialize the program so it won't go down. Thats what I have heard from people here. The program is being used by the local cable companies who use pirate direct tv cards to obtain channels and then feed them to their clients via cable."
just came on board and reading the last little while and i thought this was a site for us to get our thoughts together i hope things settle down couse we need to defeat dtv.
Richard Young you will need a new Dish 500 to use Dish Net. Unless you have two Rca and the multi switch and on one Dish find 119 and the other 110.
If you are only gone to use one dish which will be the Rca it will work but you will have to have the box programmed for Bell Vu or it want work. I have tried it. Bell Vu is like 1/4 inch left of Dtv and like 2 inches higher. Or might be 1/4 inch higher and 2 or 3 inches left I can't remember.
But the pvr501 you are purchasing is a great choice. It will come already programmed and you might have to have it redone to get your locals it has to be done with the program. And if you don't get both of the satellites dialed in you will only get half of you channels. When you purchase your new receiver I suggest buying a sat.signal finder.
I emailed planetscript, just to hear what they would say.Here is my email to then and the 2nd is there responce.THEY ARE A SCAM!!!
Hello, Since there are so many Scams out at this time. If you can prove your receiver really works and gets all channels. I will not only buy it but will let the P4 P5 talk sites know and you will have at least 35 or more orders. If you can't or won't prove this really works I will let everyone on these sites know your just another SCAM!!! I'd like nothing more to believe your for real but will not buy anything or tell anyone tIll you prove it. And if you can prove we will spread the word like wild fire.Hope to hear from you!!!! D.B.
From: john brown To: dennis Sent: Saturday, July 17, 2004 6:20 AM Subject: Re: proof
They won't let me buy I'm crushed.I guess I just don't know how to talk to people.
Alright Due too disappointing post and inquiries, this will be my final post. To the ones I have helped I am sorry to the ones who doubt me I am sorry. But I will not be made in to a liar. But I will hold true to my word. When I get a fix that will last I will post it. Until then I am done. But I repeat again the W/B will not be back until something is concrete. Enjoyed the fun and info we shared and Goodluck.
Kudos Walter, you will be missed, thanks for your input.
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Well I guess Walter realized if he keeps making stuff up I'll keep exposing his lies. I wasn't trying to scare you away Walter, I just wanted you to stop lying. The people here still respect you and can still benefit from whatever REAL knowledge you have to share. I'm hoping you end up sticking around (I remember a while ago you said you were gonna stop posting, and after a few days you were back here, hopefully history will repeat itself).
Unregistered guest
Posted on
leslie sorry for the delay i have been real busy..i bought the 2700,3800,3900 receiver i have 3rom10 and 3rom3 i could not unlock 2 of the rom10 at rev23 any waysi also installed digital locks in the receivers did alot of research on it and now im up and runniig is not as easy as dave but it is worth it i bought my nexus iso programmer from aka dssstuff if you plan on getting it let me know if i can help you in some way because some of the cardsare a real bioootch to unlock
Posted on
Walter you have been a great source of useful info,I am saddened to see you leaving this way.You should leave because YOU feel the need to do so, but dont let a few ignorant and senseless posts dictate your actions. I hope you take time and reconsider. I look forward to reading your next post, and if you decide not to then take care and God bless.
Posted on
Walter you have been a great source of useful info,I am saddened to see you leaving this way.You should leave because YOU feel the need to do so, but dont let a few ignorant and senseless posts dictate your actions. I hope you take time and reconsider. I look forward to reading your next post, and if you decide not to then take care and God bless.
Bee Dub
Unregistered guest
Posted on
To those who have open Dish Network: Do you receive all the Fox Sports Net channels (South, Southwest, North, etc)? I'm curious because I might go that way when the NFL starts unless, of course, we have a P4 fix by then.
kenneth i was refering to the post of cracker it was a cut n paste .i have seen it at several sites and i know for a fact that it will work..have fun and keep in touch....sorry walter hate to see you go i enjoy your articles....jmill
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Anonymous who just posted, everything I had to say was neither ignorant nor senseless. Walter Brown wouldn't respond to anything I said because what I said about him was the truth, he knows this and obviously feels ashamed to some extent. Understand people that I didn't want Walter to leave, but if he's going to post stuff that's not true (to either falsely raise people's hopes or make himself feel special) then we don't need him here. People who lie about hacks or things of that nature are basically just like all the scamming sites out there.
Unregistered guest
Posted on
I have been reading this post for a few months now. All of you testers shouldn't stop posting your information whether your results are good or BAD. The title to this site is PROGRAMMING P4 AND P5. Many of you are helping those who don't know. I hope Walter and others will continue to post at this site.....together will stand divide we fall.....
i dont understand why every one is bashing everyone this is supposed to be a site where we share info so what if its not correct. that is up to the person who is going to use it to decide wheater its good info or bad.when someone leaves a site becouse of all thwe crap it just weakens the couse what does anyone care where he got his info. for what braging rights the one is better then the other? if thats the case we have to grow up and be a little more mature if we expect to hack the p4 and the p5
walter should not leave becouse of someones opinion.we need the little guys here as well as the big
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Martin Kordos I don't expect you to understand exactly what's going on cause obviously you're new to all this. Walter Brown is trusted by many on this thread. People ask him questions about all sorts of stuff and most of the time he helps out with great info, but telling people that he personally was able utilize the UltraP4 file from DssCentral to set his ppvs well that's TOTALLY NOT COOL. There were quite a few people scratching their heads and trying to test it over and over again because Walter said UltraP4 worked. By doing what he did all that was accomplished in the end was wasting the valubale time of some really good coders and giving everyone else some false hope of finally having a working ppv wiper. If that's what you people come to this forum for (a false sence of hope) then so be it, personally I hate hearing BS, specially from people that are supposed to be trusted.
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Nobody wants or asked Walter to leave. He's just acting like a baby. Walter Brown everybody makes mistakes including you. Just learn from them and move forward. If you're really a stand up guy I'm sure we'll see your next post soon (I know you're still going to check the posts here hackman).
Everyone, I'm sorry for all the Walter bashing. My goal is not to bash but to educate. We come to this thread to learn about the latest info and weed though the BS out there. That's all I was doing.
well done truth, even you said WB contributed a lot.. now we have lost that... I haven't seen you add sh$t to this site.. just b1tch ppl out! I have been corected on here more than once so I guess no one is perfect except you.. why don't you do us all a favor and post a p4 hack... no?? why could it be you don't have one??? guess you got what you wanted at the expense of everyone else.... now we are down to a few smart ppl, idiots, flamers church posts and ppl with WAY less knowledge than Walter ( yourself included) .. I hope you are happy! oh BTW WB did say when he has the hack he will post it here, so even someone like YOU can have it! THAT in my books makes him a standup guy... and makes you a coward Ignore him walt... we like having you around... if you don't like it truth than I suggest you find a new thread
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Richard Sole obviously your not to smart. Walter left because he couldn't handle the fact that I proved that sometimes he's completely full of $hit. Tell me, are you that desperate to hear a post from Walter that tells you he glitched into the card when he never did? Do you think he's smart when he does that? Isn't it just like when random people stop by and claim they have a hack? Only this time the person making the claim is someone you trust. All Walter did was make all posts including posts from regulars become unreliable. If you ingnore the truth then you're an idiot and you're only hurting yourself.
Unregistered guest
Posted on
The TRUTH you should post Walters bs post of the p4 ultra that he claims did all this stuff it doesnt .Cut and paste it for all to see whaT A LIER HE IS
cant we all just get along!!!!!!!!!!! look we all are after the same thing.....<> lets put our heads together and accomplish this goal......we can argue later about who did not bashing anyone i think all of you have contributed one way or the other so some are more aware of what if we put what we know together we may find what we are looking for so everyone chill out.......peace:<)..
miami number one ' WE THE PEOPLE what time it is
Unregistered guest
Posted on
you guys that every few days argue like wussies/_ussys, you know who you are!make me sick. we are all here wanting something that stands for freedom and rights, p4 hack.and all you do is act like children or people who belong in jail for many years,. listen if you don t have anything positive to say here .just go back to hell were you belong/get lost and don t come back here no more! do something better with you time, For all you others keep hacking away!
Posted on
James, need to ask you a question. I'm going to sign up with Bev for awile can I use my Dave dish, or do I have to use a Bev dish. I know I have to reaim it. thanks
Posted on
walter was the one that gave us the june 15 release of p4hack,and two weeks ago he estimated a july14 just shouldnt start rumors,gossip
Just to clarify one thing an one thing only I did not give an estimated date of no fix. I said and quote saying that the June 15 fix was all over the internet and I was not the only one who was posting that so get your damn story straight.
And for the July 14 hack that is what was in my email from another site from which I deal with. None of this was from me myself but from others.
If you fuc$king learn to read I said " I didn't think it would be out until December sometime."
So you who want to talk sh$it about me can kiss my God!!Damn a$$
hey i just thought of something...!!!with all the knowledge we have herre we should open our own web site......what you think we have a lot af diversified knowledge right dish bev we have it all helo we might even be the first to break the loop.....
wll lets see on the matter of opening our own website we would not only need an offshore server but we would have to have the site regisered to an owner in a country where this wouldn't be illegal then we would need some way to pay the bills (server cost) either through advertisement or membership fee. Then we would need someone famillar with how to set up a website. of course we could go with a free server but most of them once they realized what we were would suspend us.
well you have a point....... maybe freeserver for a month or so and keep switching till we get enuff money to operate offshoree unless we have a wealthy buddy with realisticaly your correct but just think it could be a possibilty
Posted on
and than and than and than.... weel sell the hack!!!! LOL
Unregistered guest
Posted on
seriously... Guys how much would something like this cost to start up and run.......
Truth... first of all go F yourself.. having said then.. Hutring myself??? because I like to hear what WB has to say.... man you need a grip on reality.. and desperate for a post?? I would LIKE dtv back.. for football season...but in the mean time I have bought tickets to 2 green bay games.. this is not a family.... 99% percent of us will never meet yet you treat this like a frat house! neither this forum nor you nor DTV is a big part of my life... for that matter neither it TV... and if you had taken the time to read some posts... I have admitied I am an idot... but aperently not as big of one as you... let me ask you this... besides reading 1/2 the posts here and trying to correct people... what do you bring to the table??? didn't post YOUR P4 hack yet huh?? I have $300 bucks that says "Truth" is under 5'7"... little man syndrom written all over him... or her as the case may be.. night night... Tony... we still fighting this summer... I sharpend all my knives... and my bottle openers!
Unregistered guest
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Richard Sole, where shall I begin? First off, save your $300 I'm not even in my 40s. I guess you must be 57 and I'm 100 per cent sure I was smarter at 12 than you are know. Secondly, you want to know what I bring to the table other than setting the facts straight for everyone. Well let's just say that me and my buddies have a little bit of knowledge when it comes to coding. Richard you probably don't understand what that means but I don't care to explain it you, your admitadly too stupid. Thirdly, you think Walter's gonna bring everyone the hack (I think you were the one trying to talk about reality)? Walter Brown is just a regular guy who knows alot about satellites, but when it comes to programming, hacking, ext... I don't believe he's up to par (even though he calls himself the Hackman). I assure anyone reading this that I will have access to the new fix way before Walter does, and wow Richard you were right about one thing (other then my age), I have no fix to post as of yet. Soon.
deaf i really wonder what it would cost to setup one a web site can be had for less than a 100.00 a year then you need someone that knows the process of getting it up. and running then adding forums and comments it would be a challange but it is a possibility..what the rest of you think?..yes we could market the hack.if we had it..oh well good dreams and peace.....
Dirtysouth representive
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Walter Brown, you are very helpful to a lot of people including myself and those who don't think so should just ignore your post. If they was so damn smart they wouldn't need to verify your post. They would be working on a solution to post themselves instead of being a critic......And that's the real truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!