You will need: -------------- Underground Cable Source Neighbor 2 Way Signal Spliter 1 Foot Of 75ohm Coax Cable A Cable Ready T.V. Basic Cable Subscription For A Month
1. Order cable for 1 month...This way they will bury the cable in your yard, saving you a lot of work... 2. After your one month cable subscription is up and they have come and taken your box, go out to your cable box and hook the end of the wire that goes to your house to one of the outputs on the signal splitter... 3. Disconnect the wire going to your neighbors house from the cable source and connect to the other output on the signal splitter... 4. Now hook the 1 foot section of wire between the input on your splitter and where your neighbors wire was connected to the cable source... 5. Now go in the house and hook the end of the wire that was hooked to your inside cable box to the coax fitting on the back of your T.V.. 6. Turn your T.V. on,you should now have whatever cable your neighbors have...
If you know any TV hacking like this, please post it here.
I have heard this is way in my area,hehehe.When The cable company terminiates your connection at the box they install a round cylindrical terminator that prevents signal leakage and terminates the connection.First you remove and modify the cylinder pulling the guts out by the wire,thinks is it's diode inside but doesn't matter,then drill a 1/16 hole through it,then insert a previasly removed centre wire from your rg6 coax through it.with a model paint brush put a quick drying epoxy/glue inside to secure the the new bypass wire.then reinstall the now "fake" terminator and reconnect the coax the way it was oringinally.This way when the cable company inspects the connection it looks as if it's terminated but the anolog signal is being connected.the cylindrical terminator always has your cable connected to it even when terminated ,without this device they now rhight away its a illegal hookup.When digital internet is supplied to the house without cable tv,they install a hugr filter to block the anolog freq.This can also be done to that too.Because the signal is sheilded there is normal/minimal signal leakage to be detected.I know personally peopple who are, and have done this workaround for quite along time.
This is not goooood......i have the box in my backyard. But they've (Cable Company Contract Guys) come over several times asking me if i've seen anyone tampering with it.
I never have. But he told me that several of the neighbours were receiving free cable, and that they had already been warned before.
They then submit a report 2 hand in for prosecution consideration.
A few years ago, i was working between 2 cities...had free cable, supplied by condo, in Toronto, and decided 2 terminate the other one (my home) outside the city.
The only filter they left was on the house wall, so i just kept taking it off when i came to that home on some weekends, and replacing it when i left back 2 toronto.
One and i mean ONCE i forgot 2 put it back. Gosh, I always have my phone line forwarded 2 my cell - I got a call in toronto:
Hi, I'm calling from the ____ cable company -yes
How are u enjoying ur cable television? Any trouble with it? -i'm ok with's fine.
So ur admitting u are watching cable television? --yes...i am, what's the problem? Why are u calling me, i'm rather busy.
yes, the problem is ur not paying for it. -- umm, of course not. So what? Am i suppose 2 be?
Well, that is against the law to tamper with the cable line. We had terminated ur service and placed filters at ur house. --HOUSE! oh....... what house? i get cable for free here in toronto, is that what ur asking about, i'm confused....hmmm
no sir, What do u mean ur in toronto? what? are u not at ----- address? -no! i live in a condo in toronto, haven't been at that house in months. Is everything ok over there?
Well, someone reported that ur cable had been tampered with.... Umm, maybe the kids in the area. But no one lives there - OMG IS MY PLACE OK!?
Yes sir, ummm....well then....we'll figure this out...sorry 2 have disturbed u. OMG! ok...
But Ryerson,there was no filter in place when they looked,that why you got caught.Always leave the dummy/modded filter there.They always leave the coax connected so moisture does'nt get into the coax.Since they went digital,all and require set top boxes,they always either have the anolog filter or the terminator in the connection.Thats why it has to be bypassed but look untampered with.
Yeah, i know, i messed up and should have put it back.
But now i don't want 2 give them any reason 2 bother me....
My neighbour told me that around that time, different cable guys were at my place almost weekly 2 check and, i better not even try it......
Anyway, who needs it? I'm getting what i want when i'm home now with FTA ......
i kind of wish they would offer some package that would be dependent on usage..... 'cause someimes i don't use my internet or tv for months at a time, then i would actually consider some basic package.
Yeah, like pick and choose only the channels you want.Not what they want to sell you.But now with all the new technollagy,internet ect,their going to have change something.I think of cable as a dinosuar,always tethered and obsolete,At the beginning of automobile revolution,there was somebody making the best buggy whips ever,but nobody wanted them.
I still have my old brown zenith anolog hacked cable boxes.But i don't understand why the new digital system hasn't been hacked yet.or if it has not public.Theres got to be way,but always being tethered by a cable makes it difficult.
Scanner It will be Be patient they will get it both ways like double jeopardy One as hac#ked receiver via cable Second as FTA via Ku Band from their Satellites PoweVu is the access code to be cra#cked There is more people hate cable than any satellite available today
At the moment who needs any more than both DN and BE#V As easy as 123 from one receiver and 2 sm dishes DTV st choice and cable that is the little stuff We can prey on those as we get finally denied from major meals
Yeah, and this time Payback is for real! lol.Did you see the cbc tv show about the david and goliath,the "underdog"?It was a bout bev Telus ,and other big corps putting the screws on the little end user customer.They make mistakes in billing and services,then demand big payments and then send to collection agency destroying your credit,when its their mistake! FAK!And theirs nothing you can do to get it straighten out.Think it's called EXTORTION.
Speaking of the devil his red van just pulled up to their box out front,....hmmm...The neighbourhood kids should burn that box rather than spraypaint graffitti on