I read on one of the other threads that charlie is going to the nagra2 cards. what are they and will they affect my atmega card i have for dishnet. newbie guy who got tired of waiting for dave and switched to charlie last month. don't want to get screwed again.
the nagravisoin 2 cards are the yellow ones rom 101,102,103 and the decrypt nagravision 2 whereas the rom 2,3,10,11, magic card, dss rev, atmega and fta decrypt nagravision one currently nagravison 2 hasn't been hackes so if charlie was to shut down nagravison 1 in the stream it would shut down the rom 2, 3, 10, 11, magic card and atmega. also the cardless ird that dish has decrypt nagra 2 and haven't been hacked.
Unregistered guest
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it would still take a couple of years to make that switch, though
only if you are as slow as dtv if charlie was to hire some temporary help he could get it done a lot quicker but I agree it probably will be at least a year.
From what I have heard. apparently there will be no switch. Having both 1&2 streams uses little additional BW, and a whole class of legacy IRD owner subscribers will retain their ROM 11's, as well as some with 2's and 10's. If I am not mistaken, ROM2's will be unable to function shortly. The final switch will happen through attrition. In the mean time, expect security on the 1 stream to get *A LOT* tighter. Blackbirds and atmegas and the like will not be up for more than 15 seconds at a time.
Shortly, you are partly right, the Nagra one still has a few years left in orbit before it burns up, but the Rom2, and Rom 3, and maybe even the Rom10 will be wiped. Charlie has the luxury that dave never had of having more than one stream system running and the ability to target a certain archetecture (spelling??) with an ECM.
Unregistered guest
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Perhaps I didn't articulate that correctly. R2,3,10,11 are all Nagra-1 authentication. Rom 10* is Nagra-2, as well the hardwired cams in the newer receivers. The bandwidth to broadcast an additional stream is trivial. It is still the same stream, but just different permissions / EMM authentications. Rom 2,3 and some 10 will be obsolete, but 11 will be kept up (which is Nagra 1). BECAUSE running both routines uses up barely any additional BW, and BECAUSE a number of legacy users need toe original authentication to function properly, Nagra-1 will be around for a long long long time. However, expect Nagra-1 to become almost impossible for the criminals to hack *effectively* (as it always had the potential to be / should be).