ok so made dis one b/c too many post on one thread, and very difficult for ppl to find what dey lookin for.. so dis one hopefully will only be pansat 2500.. if ppl wanna know fortec..2700..3500.. whateva dey should make there on.. as well as .. etc .. anyhow im inquiring bout which bin i should use on my 2500.. 255c or 256.. if 256.. where can i get it .. i got da 255c but not sure if its da right one... so if anyone can please holla bakk on here it would be greatly appreciated .. THANK YOU
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again, many places you can download 256 bin. But you must enter the new keys for N2 for it to work.
You can download the latest bin with keys (replace -dot- by .): http://www.dsscentral-dot-net/cgi-bin/schlabo4/dl.pl?Pansat-Clone2500aNewN2Keysa piN