What are they doing to the color


Silver Member
Username: Slo_hand2

Post Number: 158
Registered: May-05
Ok I know it's not my tv because when I switch over to cable( yes I have cable as a backup) the color is fine and it is a new tv only 6 mos old, but I am getting a color spike on al channels and then it goes to like what you would see on a channel that is scrambled.
So what are they doing today?

Silver Member
Username: Slo_hand2

Post Number: 159
Registered: May-05
is no one else having this problem?
if not has anyone ever had this problem with a pansat, it's the only other thing I can figure that the pansat might be going bad? The pansat is also only 6 months old.

Unregistered guest
if the pansat does the same thing with another TV then its the pansat. Can you borrow some other TV?

Bronze Member
Username: Thill1951akalk

Post Number: 59
Registered: Oct-05
well its either the BIN,TV or IRD...so U can narrow it down..

Silver Member
Username: Slo_hand2

Post Number: 160
Registered: May-05
thanks figured it out bleeding from a fan motor problem solved thanks

Unregistered guest
Iam haveing the same thing on my lifetime ultra!
Its being do this all day!!!

Yeah sure
Unregistered guest
Slo-hanh2..."bleeding from a fan motor problem"

hah !!....he left the beers ontop of his pansat .


Silver Member
Username: Slo_hand2

Post Number: 161
Registered: May-05
nope not beer but current, as soon as I removed the fan the problem stopped, either it was just right timing or the fan and I say it was the fan, but who cares it's fixed and thats all that matters:-)

Unregistered guest
does anybody know if bell is working again?if you know please explain what should be done to get it working.thanks in advance.

Silver Member
Username: Thill1951akalk

Post Number: 114
Registered: Oct-05
its not hacked...must subscribe
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