Infinity IL 30 (left/right) Infinity IL 36 (center) Infinity IL 120 (sub) Klipsch Quintet (surround left, righ and 1 back)
I'll probably end up replacing the Klipsch at some point but in the meantime they seem to do fine. Also, I'm about 60/40 between movies and music respectively.
I'm considering the following receivers: Yamaha RX-V1300 Pioneer Elite VSX-43TX H/K AVR 525 Denon 1803/1804
Oddly, I have been able to find each of these around the same price.
I would greatly appreciate any input on which receiver would match the best with my current speakers and listening habits.
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I would not get the Yamaha or the Denon, they are both very bright sounding and thus are not good matches for your Infinity speakers. I would go for the Elite or the HK. Both are excellent receivers...have wonderful power supplies and both sound mellow and will mellow out your bright speakers.
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Johnny is right on the money. Denon and Yamaha would not be a good match. Elite and H/K would be much better sonically and have much better power supplies.