Question for Elitefan. or other fellow Elite owners...
Jeff Plous
Posted on
So as you probably know I am now the owner of a 45tx and MA S8 fronts and soon to have an SLCR for a center. Then ill be completely broke and will start saving for my sub/rears and dvd player.
At any rate my question is, why did you pick the elite over NAD? I have not been able to hear an NADs recievers, but in my comparisons I listened to Denon, Elite, H/K, and yamaha. I was just curious for you why you picked the elite rather than NAD.
Posted on
I own the 49TXi and I liked the way it integrated the features (such as MCCAC for speaker calibration), all the Dolby, DTS, etc. formats, the beauty and solidity of the receiver, and in the case of the 49txi the very good power supply. I just think most of the Elite models are smartly engineered and a successful product elicits a certain pleasure in its use. That receiver accomplishes that for me in spades. And I love the firewire (i-link) as I use it with my dvd player connection. In general, the Elite had the features, the looks, the ease of use, and the performance I wanted. It fit my needs and desires and it works like a charm. I tried the NAD T762 last year and was mostly impressed--I just wasn't moved and it omitted certain features I wanted. With the Elite I was both moved and impressed on various levels. Of course, the receiver I bought was over twice as expensive--so to me it isn;t a fair comparison.
I think it also depends on whether you have 8 ohm or 4 ohm speakers--particularly on the Elite models that cost the same as their corresponding NAD models. Plus how important the feature sets are on each and the pro's and con's on each. They are both good, but they have different attributes.
Posted on
I agree with all that G-Man said but for my system I could not buy a NAD no matter how much I liked it as it is so skimpy on inputs. So to are H/K and Rotel. I have always liked the Elite line and really love the vsx45. So much better than the Denon 3803 I had before.
Jeff Plous
Posted on
Hey G-man since you have the 49tx.. I was wondering when you were auditioning it, did you test the 45tx as well? Im just curious as to what you found the difference in sound to be. Thanks Jeff
Posted on
I only compared and auditioned the Pioneer Elite 49txi with the Denon 5803, and the top of the line Yammaha RX-Z1. I liked the Yammie, but it was definitely the third place finisher. The Yammie power is listed as the same as the Pioneer--in reality when I played bot with all channels driven loudly on difficult orchestral passages the Yammie ran out of gas--it started to falter. The Pioneer kept on "chooglin" and it seemed my ears would bleed before I heard any break-up. The Denon 5803 also had excellent power. The i-link, the looks, and the MCCAC really separated the 49txi from the 5803 for me--but the Denon is still a great receiver.
Also, the 49txi is an Ultra 2 receiver--the 45tx isn't--it is a THX Select. A considerable power difference. But the 45tx is fine when played in a small to medium room (up to 2,000 sq ft). But I would say at moderate sound levels the 49txi and the 45tx sound pretty much the same and I am sure no one would decipher any audible difference.
Jeff--just relax and enjoy your receiver. It is excellent at its price point and perfect for your speakers. Just don't play it in a 20 foot by 30 foot room and expect to blast it. By its Dolby and DTS chips are the same as those in mine or any other receiver.