Steve K | I'm looking at getting an Onkyo receiver but I don't know which one to get for sure. I'm looking at at this years model SR601 versus last year model SR700. Which one is the better deal. They will be hooked up to bose speakers. I've notice on ebay this guy is selling TX-SR700(B) for $470 I don't know what the (B) stands for. Can anyone tell me? Also what about refurbished units any comments about them. Thanks |
Hawk | Steve: 1. Get the 700--it is the better unit. 2. You can get a refurb'ed TX-SR700 from for $449. 3. Buying refurbs is a great way to save money and they actually have a better quality rate (fewer returns for problems) than new units. |
Anonymous | I agree with Hawk. Thanks to Hawk's advice I ended upwith HK AVR 325Z refurb (and didnt follow his advice to get the NAD). Prelimnary hearing tests have been excellent as aslo the physical appearance of the receiver. Thanks! |
Steve K | Thanks Alot Hawk for your advice I think I will look for the TX-SR700 and go that route. what does the (B) stand for? there is this one on ebay at this site it says brand new but I never saw one with a (B) |
Anonymous | black? |
Anonymous | B is probably B stock B Stock items are whose which have been returned for whatever reason such as incorrect order, packaging opened / missing, quantity is different from normal or any other reason that we don't include them as normal stock. |
Anonymous | I dont think Onkyo makes receivers in any other color (except their HT in a box systems). When will the day come when I can buy a florescent green receiver! |
Hawk | Actually, they do offer a silver almost everywhere but North America, as do most of the other makers of receivers. I am guessing it means "Black". |
Steve K | Hawk your right on what B stands for. I call Onkyo and asked them and they say (B) is for Black and (S) is for silver. I went ahead and ordered the TX-SR700 I just hope it is a good system. |