New member Username: MikaPost Number: 1 Registered: Jan-05 | These days my ps2 does not want to read my games or dvds for some reason. What could be the probleme and how to fix it ? Thank you |
Bronze Member Username: Eskimo3Post Number: 100 Registered: Dec-04 | I had that problem with my PS1 and mines busted. I don't know much about how PS2's work.Maybe you could say if it's a slim or a reguler it might make a difference. |
Unregistered guest | u could try going in to the system and changeing the cd speed to fast if it is a older 1 that should work |
New member Username: NathannbvKyle, Texas Usa Post Number: 1 Registered: Feb-05 | For some odd reason my ps2 wont read the purple/blue back games it just makes a screaching noise and then goes to the browser and it says disc read error how do i fix this???please help!!! |
Anonymous | my ps2 wont read dvd movies or games, however it WILL play ps1 games and music cds. ill have to put in a game, go to the browser, choose the cd icon and wait for the playstation logo to come up. it wont, it will just go to a red screen and say "please insert playstation or playstation 2 format disc". safe to say that after a while, this frustrates he hell out of me. any help would be appreciated. |
Malcolm Unregistered guest | i had that red screen problem once on my ps2 with a ps1 game...u know what i did??....i smashed that game to smitherines, burned it, and then my dog ate it...and i guess that worked because now i dont get the red screen anymore. lol lol |
manlaju Unregistered guest | For the red screen problem, i know how to solve it. Especially the new game that can't be play on old ps2 |
Unregistered guest | Ok i have a problem that when i put in a game my Ps2 takes forever to read the disk...and now it doesnt even read Dvd's have to go to browser and wait for the disk icon to show and then click it in oder to play a game....and as for my Dvd's it wont read them..i do to browers when i put on in'll say "Reading Disk" for like a second before it goes away and nothing concidering smashing my game...>=( |
Unregistered guest | You need to put some toothpast on the disc and smear it then run it under water then wipe it off with a rag or get a cleaning disc. |
Unregistered guest | your ps2 isn't reading cause your drive is dying. you can get a lil more out of it by opening the ps2 up, (void your warranty if you have one you will yess....) after flipping the top part of the cover to the side (careful the power and reset button have a cable still connected) you will want to remove the screws on the dvd rom, 4 lil tiny screws. then remove the cover. you will see the lens and behind that a White GEAr about the size of quarter. mark the teeth that meet the metal clip on the left hand side of it with a marker. then twist the gear clockwise slowly (click click click click) then you will hear a sound and the laser will drop down. now do 2 to four clicks clockwise and then put the thin cover back on the ps2 and boot it up and try a game out. (please place cover back over dvd rom area for the dvd's fly off and then the laser will melt a hole in your brain.) its' basically readjusting the laser to read the cds. the blue ones are hard really hard to get it to ready but silvers and ps1 are easiest. so if it dosen't read the dvd or cd shut off the system take the thin cover back off and do 2 to 4 more clicks clockwise and repeat until the cd reads. this is a breif description on how this is done if you search google on how to adjust the ps2 dvd rom cd rom there is a guy who posted pics and step by step. it worked on my 3001 unit but i couldn't get blue to read. ultimate solution is to replace the dvd rom (ebay baby) just make sure you get your system's correct rom ooooorrrr go to lik sang and buy the pieces to rebuild your rom (motor, laser, etc) have fun and remember brush your teeth not your games. |
New member Username: IbapimpHmmm, Afgahnastan Dickwad Post Number: 1 Registered: Jul-05 | i just cleaned out my ps2 today, and when i put it all back together,it wont even Start, so now, the lights wont even light up, ne1 kno what the prob mite be????? |
Bronze Member Username: Camaro823British Colu... Canada Post Number: 35 Registered: Jun-05 | You opened it up ?, well i don't think you should have done just might be screwed |
Compmaster Unregistered guest | Dont worry check if the "silver data rebbin" is cut or bent too badly. The "silver data rebbin" that has four wires in it, and is very thin. The one that is connected to your "reset" and "open disk" button and LED and to the bottom or so of your PS2. If it is then there is your problam. You can buy another one from Ebay, or you can try to repair it somehow? Sorry i can help more, yet. |
Anonymous | Well my ps2 reads my disks but, when it is suppost read playstion 2 it wont. It'll just go back and it will start reading the disk again. |
Anonymous | Hi, i bought Killzone the other day for my PS2 and it wont play it!! I can hear it trying to spin but then it just goes back to the menu screen. My PS2 is about 3 years old. It plays all my other games with no problems at all. Does any one know why this might be? I heard Killzone pushes the PS2 to its limit but this is ridiculous! Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. |
Bronze Member Username: Camaro823British Colu... Canada Post Number: 66 Registered: Jun-05 | Just wondering, does killzone have a blue/purple backing ? cause all my blue games spin so hard and it works the system over so that could be your problem. For some reason PS2 has trouble reading these |
Anonymous | i might have a tip for anyone who's ps2 just freezes up or doesnt start... if you keep your playstation on a carpet or somehting af that sort, after a while af playing the system will over heat beacuse of the carpet acting as an insolator. this is what happened to me. fourtunatly, ps2 dose not have a warning of this in the instructions anywhere. so i sent it to sony with this infor information and the fixed it for free. (i had to pay shipping). also if you keep your playstion in a damp/moist area such as a basement, mildew or mold may grow on the inside...(this also happened to me lol). all you have to do for that is open it up and wipe it down and it should work again. |
ferchu Unregistered guest | well.. i had the same problem/.... suddenly my ps2 didnt wanted to play the new fifa street..... it play some of the older games but no dvd movies.. i just went ahead and open it... clean the inside.... take the dust of.. and is working perfectly.. i recommend for people to do that... my playstatios was almost 5 years old! |
Unregistered guest | one of my wires has come loose inside my ps2 near the lens and i dont know where it came from.its a narrow ribon wire with a blue tip and one side is silver. |
zyborg nerd Unregistered guest | hi my ps2 dosnt play/read any dvd's or games (they dont even come up on browser but the memory card can be read) and just says something about corrupted data on ALL my games!!! i think it might be something to do with the lazer,any suggestions? cheers. |
Hinksey O.G. Unregistered guest | yeh my ps2 won't play nun of me nu games. it keeps on sayin "DISC READ ERROR" it plays my old games lyk MGS:substance and DOA2. n.e.1 wid a solution? i'm on da verge of shooting da consol. |
Anonymous | Why wont my PS2 play DVD's? I have tried changing the disc speed, but it wont read the DVD. |
New member Username: Vickyann7889Post Number: 1 Registered: Aug-05 | I was fixing my Ps2 and the ribbon for the on/off/open button came out and i dont know where it goes. My friend put it in once and it was working but it came out again and my friend isnt around. Help me? Where does it go? |
New member Username: Vickyann7889Post Number: 2 Registered: Aug-05 | I was fixing my Ps2 and the ribbon and the on/off/open button came out and i dont know where it goes. My friend put it in once and it was working but it came out again and my friend isnt around. Help me? Where does it go? |
New member Username: Vickyann7889Post Number: 3 Registered: Aug-05 | sorry about the last 2 messages i meant the on/off/open RIBBON came out. I dont know where it goes? |
Anonymous | My PS2 wont play the blue backed games or DVD's its not a slim but i've hade it for 3 years I have opened it and cleaned the lens carefully twice and i have a lens cleaner but i just wont play dvd's or blue backed games and i have changed the cd speed to fast. PLEASE HELP!! |
New member Username: Vickyann7889Post Number: 4 Registered: Aug-05 | Mine does that too but my friend said if u push the brown ribbon in (if u turn ur PS2 clockwise its right from the power ribbon)that it should fix the problem. I havent tried it but its worth a try. |
Unregistered guest | hye. for some reason, my ps2 wont play ANY of my games or dvd's. it'll just go directly to the menu and they won't play! some1 please help this friggin console is really pissin mr off. |
pissed off Unregistered guest | My fan wasnt working so i went in and fixed it, but the whole piece that included the disc holder and lazer came out...i managed to put it back together properly so it turns on and the disc opens up and closes, but when i turn it on nothing appears on the screen, no main menu or n e thing...ive checked the cables and everything is fine...n e clue on what coulda gone wrong? |
Unregistered guest | hi my ps2 was working one day and then it just stopped i turned it back on and i could here the disc trying to spin and then it stopped so i tipped it upwards and on angles and it still didnt work. Now i have a mod chip and the guy who installed it for me said hed take a look he said that the disc spins three half turns and quits and hes not sure how to fix it. is there a fuse thats broken cuz he says the laser and motor are fine. PLZ help me here im just surviving on ps1 |
Unregistered guest | yea, my ps2 wont play but when i keep on reseting it a few times maybe sometimes 20 times thats the least, but it works but after a while it just piss's me off. does anyone know whats happening or whats wrong my ps2, its 3 yrs. already. and its going down the drain can someone plz help me. |
Anonymous | ok the blue discs when u get a screaching noise and it wont read is because of problem with the speed gears on the disc speed i had the same problem and i got it fixxed. |
God Help Me Unregistered guest | Well the guy whos fixing it fixes lots of systems and he has never seen something like this so i was just wondering if a fuse has broke if it is this gear thing how do i fix it. i also bought killzone and i heard rumours that deteriorates your machines motor is this true? |
Anonymous | My ps2 is really old and it wont play blue/Purple disk i just bought a network adpater and the start up disk is blue back so it wont play i was ted 40.oo |
Unregistered guest | dudes it clear you have no idear whats wrong the problem is your ps2 old and dieing or your got the wrong bios chip check your MODEL NO. if it ant SCPH-39003 that means it not amercain so its ether jap or europe it best to have amercan so if you ant means your got a diffenet bios chip so get a dif ps2 or change the chip your self if you still got problems your ps2 is dieing i say find one game that works sell your consle if they look to see if it works put that game in to trick them your get cash and if they phone you up saying the consle ant working say it works great for for your self and say they must have broke it so they cant get there money back lol it works. |
OPPIE Unregistered guest | ps2 reads every game except for keeps saying disc read error...why the **** is it doing this??? i can play every game except for this one, and i jus bought it 2 days ago brand new. i played it yesterday fine but now it wont even read is goin on??? |
God help me Unregistered guest | If you have a mod chip and you play burnt games I found that my playstation sort of had to convert from burnt games to real games. And The dude thats fixing my PS2 said that the problem was that my laser was shot. ![]() |
. . l Unregistered guest | help! I took off the driver and try putting it back on i put all the cables but i cant put the cable 4 the lense please help |
Anonymous | my ps2 only plays ps1 games becouse it fell once and now it plays ps1 games and the sims. can someone help me? |
ps2 is not doing what its doing Unregistered guest | sorry about the last message if it didn't make sense. what i mean is my Ps2 fell and it is only play's the sims and ps1 games. can anyone help??? |
Anonymous | im sorry, but can anyone help me? im trying to play a new game, i put it in and you can hear the disk spin for about 3 seconds, and it stops, so then i go into browser and open and close the reader and it says "Reading disk" and in 3 seconds it dissapears, and the only game it reads is Fatal frame, which is scratched, can anyone please help me.. please.. |
straight up GGGGGGG Unregistered guest | this is some real bull shiznit,dis web site sucks yo, cant give me no answers,ya suck. i run this site bi**h. |
viciously convicted Unregistered guest | dats wats up , tell dem n**gas dats how it is . me and straight up GGGGGGG run this muf**ckn site. peace B**ch P.S. I run dis junt son. |
Silver Member Username: Chaunb3400Huntsville, Alabama U.S. Post Number: 370 Registered: Jul-05 | do u mean joint |
Silver Member Username: Chaunb3400Huntsville, Alabama U.S. Post Number: 371 Registered: Jul-05 | not junt |
Unregistered guest | So I bought a PS2 slim not even a week ago. I decided that I was going to try it out today. I turned it on w/out a disc in and played with the settings. I deleted a few files from my memory card, messed with the language settings, and fixed the time. Then I turned the console off and put in a PS2 game. All of a sudden, the PS2 refused to turn on. The red light still shows, but everytime I push the power button, the red light turns off and then back on and nothing happens on the screen. I've read about the laser data cable (the brown tape thingy) but people who have to replace theirs generally only have to do it b/c they've damaged it by installing a mod chip, or it's worn out. I haven't put a mod chip in, let alone opened the case. Anyone have any suggestions as to what else it could be? |
Silver Member Username: Chaunb3400Huntsville, Alabama U.S. Post Number: 639 Registered: Jul-05 | take it back, or send it in u should still have a warranty, PS how old are u |
Unregistered guest | yo convicted and gggggg dont act like u from the streets cuz if u com 2 my neighborhoiod on my block at the corner of manhatten and salem ull get ur a** beat down u dont run spit |
Unregistered guest | hi when i turn my ps2 on with my new game tony hawk american wasteland it finds the disc and then when i click on the cd icon in browser the screen goes black as if its starting up the game but then it just goes back into browser again Any help would be great thx |
ThePs2Guy Unregistered guest | Hello, Im having alot of the same problems as the guys who can't get the blue backed games and dvd's to play. If anything else that hasn't been mentioned can be done to fix this, it would be greatly appreciated, thank you. |
Anonymous | my ps2 sucks! I always put my disc in and it goes right to menu. I click browser and push the in/out button until it finally reads the disc. I tried using the cd-cleaner and it says DISC READ ERROR! Im telling u this is getting me annoyed! |
QueefMonster Unregistered guest | gamestop told me to put about 3 sprays of windex in the ps2 and it worked! |
Gold Member Username: Chaunb3400Huntsville, Alabama U.S. Post Number: 2564 Registered: Jul-05 | what kind do u have slim or os |
Unregistered guest | My PS2 is almost 2 years old, it used to be perfect. I really really take care of my stuff. But PS2 stopped playing DVD movies, I wont dare put games in yet. Help urgently needed. I got a cleaning CD, and I used it without the liquid thingy (since I cant find it either) |
Gold Member Username: Chaunb3400Huntsville, Alabama U.S. Post Number: 2603 Registered: Jul-05 | it could be that ur laser wore out |
stupid ps2 i hate u Unregistered guest | My PS2 won't read my discs or even spin them, it says it is reading it but it won't load. Almost sounds like it isn't even trying to read the discs. |
Gold Member Username: Chaunb3400Huntsville, Alabama U.S. Post Number: 3040 Registered: Jul-05 | do u have the os or slim ps2 |
mpet10 Unregistered guest | PS2 will not start up, message says no data, tried cleaning laser but no success. also tried the diagnostics but could not get it to work. when i put in the dvd it will only rotate a 1/4 of a turn. The PS2 is not the slime line version. Any one have any suggestions. |
younge geezy Unregistered guest | I screwed up!! I was cleaning my PS2 and I pulled out my ribbon to the reset button and lcd lights and all that good schnazz....................Someone plz help |
Gold Member Username: Chaunb3400Huntsville, Alabama U.S. Post Number: 3297 Registered: Jul-05 | do u have the slim or OS ps2?? |
stratagist Unregistered guest | 1 game that is in good condition wont work on my ps2 what is wrong with it? |
EmKa Unregistered guest | my ps2 is a console SCPH-50003 and i wont play blue or purple disks! i wouldent dare open it up! its about 2 years old and i got the same problems!!! pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese help me!!! |
Emka Unregistered guest | o and its not the slim vershion |
Unregistered guest | Yo mah PS2 ain't playin nuttin witta blue/purple bottom. Wass good wit dat help a brutha out aight ~1~ |
Unregistered guest | Yo mah PS2 ain't playin nuttin witta blue/purple bottom. Wass good wit dat help a brutha out aight ~1~ |
mikemike38 Unregistered guest | my older ps2 makes loud kinda clicking noises when it tries to read the game then when i go to the browser option it says disk read error?is my lense going or what? thanks |
Unregistered guest | For all you people with the blue disk and ps1 disks. try putting scotch tape around the hole of the cd on top where the label is to fix the disk read error. Be sure not to cover up the hole. Just make a square or something around the hole and it should work. |
Anonymous | hey guys. my ps2 works fine for every video game but won't play dvd's! when i put a dvd in, it says "Reading disc" for about 2 seconds and goes off. anyways to fix that??? |
Silver Member Username: Camaro823British Colu... Canada Post Number: 264 Registered: Jun-05 | for the ppl with disc read problems, phone sony ! even if your warranty is gone, they fixed mine twice and all i payed was S&H so give that a shot |
New member Username: Bryanm06Post Number: 1 Registered: Jan-06 | Hi. I need help. My friend gave me a playstation 2 because he dropped it. It wont read any discs. It says "NO DATA" when you put a disc in. It says "READING DISC" for a second then goes to the "NO DATA". I tried adjusting the voltage and that didnt work. I put in a lense cleaner and the cd wont spin so it wont clean it. What do i do? |
Unregistered guest | my friends nba live 2005 seems to not be working on my tells me to insert a playstation or playstation 2 format disc. i dont know what that is so any device? |
Unregistered guest | My ps2 wont start it started to freeze but now it wont even start can some one give me some tips on who to fix it and I did try to fix it [I took it apart] thank you |
Unregistered guest | Hi I have a slim playstation system. When u put a disk in it takes u to the brower, u click on browser and it says no data then begins reading the disk then says disk can't be read. The system is 2 years old. can anyone tell me how to fix this problem. Can't just go out and buy new one. This system is my 3 childrens. If it sounds like the lazor is out where would I purchase parts for it and is it easy to fix myself |
Vinnah Unregistered guest | First thing I'm gona say is that there are a load of n00bs in this forum... I mean for example "this is some real bull shiznit,dis web site sucks yo, cant give me no answers,ya suck. i run this site bi**h.". Right to the point of the ps2's... Ps2's are made by the one & only not so good Sony. Ps2's seem to have a design fault. They fail after roughly 2 Years on average (2 Days it seems in some cases) here are some home remedies I'll just recommend: 1. If your ps2 is messing up after 2 days pr in less than a year don't rant on forums, tell Sony or take your console back to the shop. (And Buy A second Hand Dreamcast instead ;) or an Xbox) 2. Make sure the power leads, controllers & external devices are connected correctly. Make sure the socket/powerpoint is working correctly. Stating the obvious here I know but people never check the basics. 3. Make sure your DVD/CD Rom is clean of scratches, dust & dirt. This is another basic problem that is normally ignored. 4. Buy a CD Lens cleaner (Don't be fooled in buying a DVD Lens cleaner for more money.. They're exactly the same). Maybe the covering over the laser is dirty. 5. Take your PS2 Apart spray the circuits & CPU & fans down with compressed air. The problem could be due to overheating. 6. Clean the Laser guides.. then spray with WD40 could do it some good. 7. You're AC/DC adaptor may be damaged try an alternative. 8. Try alternative devices (Such as controllers) some erros can be due to bad devices not being able to intialise. 9. New laser required it will be much less hastle to buy a new console. Also I'd like to add buying a DVD ROM drive & taking the assembly out of it & putting it in a PS2 Won't work. (You're VERY lucky if it does). Through my knowlage that is what I can think of that will help.. But I've never liked PS2's much & I sold mine within 2 months of buying it.. You just can't Beat A Sega Dreamcast ![]() |
Unregistered guest | hey this is lucas for all u ppl struggling to get ur blue disks to work have no fear its simple sony started to use blue diks cause there cheaper and lighter all u really have to do is go to ur system config turn ur speeed to normal and put a piece of white masking tape on the top of the blue disk to weight it down if u have any questions just email me |
Anonymous | My ps2 worked with every game except Tony Hawk America Wasteland where it forze on the startup. I took my hard drive out and now it works fine. Try taking your harddrive out or your network card if you aren't connected to the ineternet, because its trying to configure the game systems and freezing. |
Unregistered guest | Most of you are encountering to disk read error's (DRE) on your console. I'll leave a brief discreption and explanation on how you can fix this problem. 1) Flip your PS2 console upside down, so that your viewing the bottom. 2) You should see 8 screw covers (6 plastic ones and 2 rubber ones). Use your fingernails or any other device to take these off. Now unscrue the 8 screws. 3) Now, flip the PS2 upright so that either the front or the back is facing you. Remove the cover from the back end of the Ps2, by gently taking it off. 4) When the main cover is off, and if the PS2's front end is facing you, you should see a black covering to the right containing 4 little-tiny screws. Use a propper mini screw-driver, or a knife to remove the 4 screws. 5) Once the screws are removed, pull the second covering off. You should see your disk tray and the laser right in between. Use and air can, or your mouth and fingers, to blow everywheres in the console. Do not blow directly on the laser. You should clean all the little hairs and everything you may find in your PS2, since your already this far. Also, you should clean the laser with a cue tip, gently. 6) Now comes the main part; the main source of the problem, and the main resolvent to the problem. Plug your system in, but keep it in pieces, don't put it back together just yet. Plug in a single remote, the two chords in the back, and a memory card if you wish. When it is plugged in, open the disk tray. Once the disk tray is open, turn the system off. Now that the disk tray is open, you will see a white disk. This white disk will adjust the laser. Mark on the disk using a marker where it is adjusted right now; this way you can go back to the beginning if you really need to. Use your fingers to turn the white disk clockwise a few clicks (click, click, click). You will notice your laser rising just a bit. Now, try your console. Turn it on your PS2, put a disk in, and shut it. But make sure you have your second black cover covering the disk! Without this the disk will not spin. If you still get the DRE, which more than likely you will during the first adjustment, try adjusting it some more and doing that until it works. After getting it working, cover it all up, put the screws in, and your done! This solution may not be temporary, but it is effective and easy to do. Guide by Joshuar |
New member Username: MadukesPost Number: 1 Registered: Jun-06 | ok, all you users that are having problems with the silver ribbon with the blue tip that came out when you took you top off the ps2. it is very simple to fix. remove the 2 (gold) screws that hold the paddle connectors in place, pull up the right side from bottom if you look in the side corner near the front on the mother board, you will see a small slot, it has a white bottom and brown top, take a small screwdriver and very very lightly pop open the top of it don't worry it hinged now with the blue side facing down to the white push the ribbon in to it and using the screwdriver again push the brown flap back down. and you will have fix it all by know this works because I've done it myself when my daughter did it to her's. |
New member Username: BowePost Number: 3 Registered: Jun-06 | buy a new one |
New member Username: SarelPost Number: 1 Registered: Jul-06 | ok here's the thing, my colours on some of the games on my ps2 goes very dark(hard to see anything) mostly blue and red. have then blown out the dust and it is fine again any suggestions to what can cause this?. Thanks |
New member Username: MissyomiPost Number: 1 Registered: Jul-06 | While trying to fix my PS2, my boyfriend ripped out the power ribbon. It seems to be unharmed, and I know how to fix the other problems, is there any way to reattach it? |
New member Username: Austin19Enola, Pennsylvania America Post Number: 1 Registered: Aug-06 | MY playstation wouldn't turn on at all i just kept gettin nothin not even the lights so i opened it and it turns out my silver ribbon cable has a tiny rip near the end that goes in by the there any way that i can turn my playstation on without the ribbon cable???? |
New member Username: Prettyboy0123Arlington, Texas United states Post Number: 4 Registered: Nov-06 | dang all my games i gotta name them prince of persia the two thrones,nba live 07,devil may cry 2,devil may cry 3,devil may cry 1,true crime new york city,def jam fight for new york,tekken 5 all them won't work and they all kinda new and im getting kinda mad ima break this ps2 it will play but when it do it goes to the browser screen or it will say disc read error some one help me please by the way its a slim and it also won't play dvd no i have dvds i bought and it won't play it |
New member Username: Prettyboy0123Arlington, Texas United states Post Number: 5 Registered: Nov-06 | you have one of those old ps2 so there is no way i had a old one and the ribbon ripped off but you have to buy another one |
Gold Member Username: Basshead86Chrome Dip it and Ship it Post Number: 8366 Registered: Aug-05 | testing... |
New member Username: CrassfanKnoxville , Tn Us Post Number: 1 Registered: Mar-07 | i have a "slim" ps2 and when there is no disc in it - it works fine, the menu and it reads the mem card.....but if i try to put any disc in,as soon as i turn it on it spins the disc about 3 times then turns itself off. Now I've been working on ps2s for 3 yrs., but this has me stunned. I've tried cleaning already. DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY HELP/ADVICE FOR ME?? PLEASE HELP!!!!?!?!? |
Silver Member Username: Bumpin612sPost Number: 115 Registered: Jan-07 | it broke |
New member Username: Rahman11218Post Number: 2 Registered: Jul-07 | my ps2 is 4yrs old. I been playing my ps1 games for so long on my ps2 system. Now some reason i cant play my ps1 games on my ps2 anymore, when i enter my ps1 games in the ps2, it takes me to a red screen and says "Please insert a PLAYSTATION or PLAYSTATION 2 format disc. Can some one please tell me what i should do now or Whats the problem? I just dont understand why it says that now when i been playing it for so long. i just wanna play my ff7,ff8, and ff9 so badly again. Thats the only reason i wanna play the ps1 games again because of Final Fantasy. Please Email me at \ Thanks. BTW i bought my PS2 at here in U.S, its the original ps2 the first one that came out. |
New member Username: MickaMelbourne, Victoria Australia Post Number: 1 Registered: Jul-07 | Hi, I am looking for an answer to a problem that seems to be quite common, in various forms - my playstation 2 will not play games (I have not tried dvd) When I turn it on it just goes to a screen I have never seen before (I've had the console for 2 years) showing a menu with "Browser" and "System cofiguration". No matter what I do or change in any of the settings I can access via this menu, I can't get out of it. I'm in Australia but I think any advice you guys could give me would be just as applicable here as in America. It is a slimline console, with lift up lid. Thanks. |
New member Username: JukkyLondon Post Number: 1 Registered: Jul-07 | hi ive got a major problem for a very long time most of my games dont work apart from pro evo 6 whenever i put it in it says reading disc and then goes onto disc error can you please help me on what to do a.s.ap PLEAS I BEG YOU FOR A REPLY AND PLZ MAKE IT WORK FANKS..e-mail me plzz on thanks ill be wating for your reply thanks alot...}}} |
New member Username: Oo7Post Number: 1 Registered: Jul-07 | when I put a DVD in my PS2 it would say unable to read disc, I had a can of presured air and blew out the dust from inside the tray while the tray was open and then tried it again and then it worked perfectly. It happened another time, disc error, in the middle of a movie so I tried it on another DVD player, same thing happened, the movie was bad. |
New member Username: Oo7Post Number: 2 Registered: Jul-07 | Error message "Insert PS1 OR PS2 Format disc" nothing is wrong with your system, it just means that the game is made to play on another system. I tried to play some PS2 games I bought today on my PS2 system and got the same error message, I looked at the fine writing around the disc and it read manufactured in DEVU, one game said, manufactured in DEDU, what ever that means? I'm in the USA and I know my system was made for the USA and the games that I play on it are maufactured in the USA. |
New member Username: IamveryannoyedYo momma, Auckland Nz Post Number: 1 Registered: Oct-07 | When I put a PS2 disc into the tray, It comes to the menu Then I click Browser The wierd thing is it doesn't do anything but show my memory card data I opened the tray and closed it again and it says reading disc for about 3 seconds and then dispears Anyone know what I can do to fix my problem? |
New member Username: AlanisoPost Number: 1 Registered: Nov-07 | Hello everybody, I'm hoping that this post will help out anybody having troubLE with the PS2 giving disc errors / will only read certain discs, etc. I did exactly what the article told me and saved myself some money by not replacing with another PS2. This article was written for the regular size PS2 and not the slim. I have not tried this on a slim since I don't have one. The instructions are easy and straight forward and contains pictures to help out. Just be patient and read the info before beginning to work on the PS2. It just might save you some cash. IF YOUR PS2 IS STILL UNDER WARRANTY PLEASE HAVE SONY FIX IT CAUSE ONCE YOU OPEN IT THE WARRANTY IS VOID. TRY THIS ONLY ON SYSTEMS THAT ARE OUT OF WARRANTY. Hope this helps. |
New member Username: Vault2100Post Number: 1 Registered: Jun-08 | ok i have a problem with mine. my memory card has a corrupted data. its dousent have a size. how can i delete it? My ps2 worked for like 2 weeks again but now its freezing my games. it plays the games i had played in it at first but it wont read any new games i try to put in it. it just freezes it. so can anyone please help me? |
New member Username: Vault2100Post Number: 2 Registered: Jun-08 | so how can i delete my corrupted data so my ps2 will start working again? |
New member Username: Deankid231Post Number: 1 Registered: Sep-09 | i have a slim ps2 that i have had for 2 years. i went to plug it in after unplugging it to untangle cords and when going to turn it on you hear the playstation music before the browser but you dont get any video. what could be wrong? |
New member Username: WaterphoenixPost Number: 1 Registered: Oct-09 | can someone help me with my ps2 i need help connecting the top half to the bottom half the strip came came off and i cant get it back in. |
New member Username: Cman33093Post Number: 1 Registered: Nov-09 | i rented a guitar hero 5 on my slim ps2 and it wont read they just cleaned it before i got it and it looks good it wont read tho. can neone help plz |
New member Username: BeastdalePost Number: 1 Registered: Nov-09 | My PS2 says please insert PS 2 format disk these last few days. Funny thing is i still can play Audio cd's as well as regular DVD's. Any advice people ? |
New member Username: Phoenix1983Post Number: 1 Registered: Mar-10 | my ps2 slim wont play movies. wont even spin the dvd. it just says reading disk for forever and never does anything. can anyone tell me how to fix this? |
New member Username: Damon17Post Number: 1 Registered: May-10 | Hi my name is Damon i am from south africa.So my mom had a friend from North America he would send us loads of gifts so he sent me a ps2 with North american ps2 are ntsc and all the games were ntsc as well so for about a year it worked perfect.then all of a sudden it didnt.then it would work once a week.i have cleaned the lens cleaned all the ntsc games i dont know wat is wrong.i also have a ps2 from south africa and those games are PAL and the ps2 is PAL it is 4 years old and works fine.PLEASE I NEED YOUR HELP TO ALL OF THE PS2 GAMERS OUT THERE PLEASE HELP. and one more thing my ps2 is a slim one both are actually.} |
New member Username: Damon17Post Number: 2 Registered: May-10 | And when it doesent work it goes to da menu and when i start it it spins fine then it makes a sound like quq quq quq |
New member Username: LadylotiiPost Number: 1 Registered: Jun-10 | Hi there. I recentley bought eyetoy play 2 and when I put it into my playstation 2 and went into browser it said no data. I naturally assumed it was the game because another game worked fine. So i bought eyetoy play and the same thing happened. Can anyone help as I'm getting really annoyed with it. I've tried everything I can. Please help! |
New member Username: Sportsboy97Post Number: 1 Registered: Oct-10 | My Ps2 Reads the disks for a little then its stops the disc stops! HELP? |
Platinum Member Username: Insearchofbass2 hifonics 2607s, 2dcSounds12xls SPL\idmax12SQ Post Number: 15798 Registered: Jun-04 | the machines so old now id expect problems |
New member Username: AejaePost Number: 1 Registered: Feb-11 | hi there i have my scph 10000 ps2 it can read ps1 games but it cant read ps2 games and dvds when i put ps2 disc or dvd it says reading disc then disc read error what should i do? and dvd driver is not yet installed bcoz i dont have ps2 utility disc can it read ps2 games without installing the dvd driver? please help me.. thanks.......... |
New member Username: PrikitewsPost Number: 1 Registered: Mar-11 | my ps2 has shut down . it just started and then it shut down so its not overheat suppose cause it just started for like 2mins, the light turned red. and then after that, i was going to get the cd out of the ps2 because when it shut down the cd was left inside.. so yah i was going to get that and then when i pressed the reset button to make the the green light appear, it quickly changes to red again.... i dont really know what the problem is... haha. if my father founds out i'll be dead.. XD so yah... HELP PLEASE?? |
New member Username: GeorgiaajaneDERBYUnited Kingdom Post Number: 1 Registered: May-11 | when i put my disk in the ps2 it loads up and finds the disk and that and then it loads up to the playstation 2 bit when that pops up then goes back to reading disk menu? Anyhelp? |
New member Username: Gamegirl123Post Number: 1 Registered: May-11 | Hey, i have a PS2 and it wont read my discs ??? I dont know why, ive tried everything to cleaning my disc to hooving my ps2. It is 8 years old so i cant blame it but does anyone know a way to fix this promblem with out getting another ps2? I really wanna play on GTA so upset any adivce? Thanks |
Platinum Member Username: PlymouthCanada Post Number: 16220 Registered: Jan-08 | Welcome to eCoustics Amberly-rose! You can send it for repair, usualy they replace the lazer block! |
New member Username: Skullboy55Post Number: 1 Registered: Aug-11 | You know when you're saving a game and it tells you NOT to turnoff/restart the system? well i accidentally did that on my Need for Speed: Most Wanted game, and now when i go into the game it loads the Main Menu, i press: Career game, and then it just loads the game to infinity and it won't stop loading...i guess the file is corrupt...i deleted it from the memory card but it still won work HEELP ME please because I can't find a sollution elsewhere... |
New member Username: ParkerjessePost Number: 6 Registered: Jul-11 | Hi my name is Jesse and I am new to this site. My PS2 wont work. When i turn it on it makes a scratching noise what could the problem be? please help. |