Help with box for dd


Silver Member
Username: Rvlacos

El Paso, T.X. United States

Post Number: 219
Registered: Sep-06
i am tryin to figure out the specs (volume and tunning)for this box i keep gettin asked and i dont know please help. the box is 12" deep.. 40" long..16" high/tall.. the port is 4" wide.. 14.5"' high'tall, then the port goes 11" deep bends right and goes 17" more right. i tried drawing it in paint but it wouldnt load. box is made of 3/4 mdf.

Silver Member
Username: Rvlacos

El Paso, T.X. United States

Post Number: 220
Registered: Sep-06

Silver Member
Username: Rvlacos

El Paso, T.X. United States

Post Number: 221
Registered: Sep-06
i want to try and find out after port and sub diplacement sub is dd 3512 and made out of 3/4 mdf

Gold Member
Username: Frkkevin

Lake Worth, Texas US

Post Number: 1400
Registered: Nov-05
Total: 4.444cu.ft
Vb: 3.019cu.ft (before sub displacement)
Fb: 39.24hz (before sub displacement)

I would have done 2.5cu.ft tuned to 35hz myself but 40hz is what DD recommends, box size is too big IMO.

Gold Member
Username: Basshead86

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Post Number: 7799
Registered: Aug-05
Box is 2.45 cubes before sub displacement. so prob like 2.2-3 cubes after sub. :-)

tuned to ~40hz

here is as close to your box as i can get it:-):-) .16&NumW=1&Vb=2.29&Fb=41&Qts=&Vas=&Fs=&CE=0

Silver Member
Username: Rvlacos

El Paso, T.X. United States

Post Number: 223
Registered: Sep-06

Gold Member
Username: Frkkevin

Lake Worth, Texas US

Post Number: 1401
Registered: Nov-05

Sorry, I messed up. Always forget to make sure its external dimensions..

For the dimensions you gave being external..

Total: 3.392cu.ft
Vb: 2.004cu.ft (before sub displacement)
Fb: 48.67hz (before sub displacement)

Tuning frequency is too high.. would be good for SPL but not much of anything else.

Silver Member
Username: Rvlacos

El Paso, T.X. United States

Post Number: 226
Registered: Sep-06
muddy why are you and kevin's so different?

Gold Member
Username: Frkkevin

Lake Worth, Texas US

Post Number: 1402
Registered: Nov-05
No clue... first one I posted was for the dimenions you gave but being internal measurements. For external measurements the second one is accurate. I used Bass Box Pro 6..

Gold Member
Username: Basshead86

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Post Number: 7801
Registered: Aug-05
b/c i took into account the box's volume AFTER port displacement. :-)

the port isn't airspace for the sub, it is simply a port. the sub is seeing ~2.29 cubes of airspace, and b/c the port is huge, it takes up the rest of that 3.39 cubes. :-)

the port has .93 cubes of airspace alone:-)

Gold Member
Username: Basshead86

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Post Number: 7802
Registered: Aug-05
i figured up the box's internal volume, and then the port's internal volume, subtracted it from internal, and that is what the sub is getting. then i fugged with the Xmax and tuning until i got of Port area and a 4" wide port and ~28in. long. and there is your box. .16&NumW=1&Vb=2.29&Fb=41&Qts=&Vas=&Fs=&CE=0

Gold Member
Username: Basshead86

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Post Number: 7803
Registered: Aug-05
did you measure the port lenght from the PIECES of the port wall, or from the exact middle of the port all the way through??

Silver Member
Username: Rvlacos

El Paso, T.X. United States

Post Number: 227
Registered: Sep-06
is this a good box for my sub what could be better, whats wrong with it?

Gold Member
Username: Basshead86

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Post Number: 7804
Registered: Aug-05
there is nothing wrong with it. lol

does it sound good to you??? that is all that matters. DD recommends 40hz tuning, and you have it, or close to it. so be happy:-)

Silver Member
Username: Rvlacos

El Paso, T.X. United States

Post Number: 228
Registered: Sep-06
i measured it from the wall to the end of the port wall. 17". from the front of the wood to the back wall 11". 4" wide all the way through.
it sounds great and it hit a good number 141.05 so im happy, but who is ever satisfied, lol.

Gold Member
Username: Basshead86

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Post Number: 7806
Registered: Aug-05
then it is as close to your tuning as i can get it:-)

one day, you will get tired of bass(one day), and you will opt for something that isn't as loud an sound very clean and clear, cleaner and clearer than anything you have experienced before, and that will be the system you keep forever:-) lol

Silver Member
Username: Rvlacos

El Paso, T.X. United States

Post Number: 229
Registered: Sep-06
have u been metered? also do you hit higher numbers on the windshield or the kick? what do they do at actual comps?

oh and where did u find the xmax? im tryna learn how you did this

Gold Member
Username: Frkkevin

Lake Worth, Texas US

Post Number: 1404
Registered: Nov-05
Muddy.. mine was done with port displacement as well..

Hence the:

Total: (total box volume)
Vb: (after port displacement)

Caclulations were made using .75 for port walls and box walls. The port measurements you gave will change what we both said. When asked the port length we meant the actualy length of the port.. in your case how long the wood was that created the L shape

Silver Member
Username: Rvlacos

El Paso, T.X. United States

Post Number: 233
Registered: Sep-06
have u been metered? also do you hit higher numbers on the windshield or the kick? what do they do at actual comps?

oh and where did u find the xmax? im tryna learn how you did this

Gold Member
Username: Basshead86

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Post Number: 7811
Registered: Aug-05
i did:

the internal volume
minus the port.
minus sub displacement.

then i got of port area.
and matched up the length of the walls
...not center diameter like you are supposed to do, but he gave me the measurements i could work with, and i got 41hz....sooo to each their own?? lol

i increased the Xmax until i got the port area i wanted in that program. your Xmax is closer to 16-19mm:-)

Gold Member
Username: Frkkevin

Lake Worth, Texas US

Post Number: 1405
Registered: Nov-05
for internal dimensions this was what i posted..

Total: 4.444cu.ft
Vb: 3.019cu.ft (before sub displacement)
Fb: 39.24hz (before sub displacement)

for external it was completely different

Gold Member
Username: Basshead86

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Post Number: 7816
Registered: Aug-05
this is going nowhere......:-)

Gold Member
Username: Frkkevin

Lake Worth, Texas US

Post Number: 1406
Registered: Nov-05
it is.. what im saying is my calculations and yours were similar when i used the internal dimensions for what he gave..

anyway.. like muddy said.. if you like it who cares what the specs are...

Gold Member
Username: Basshead86

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Post Number: 7818
Registered: Aug-05
exactly.:-) lol

Silver Member
Username: Rvlacos

El Paso, T.X. United States

Post Number: 234
Registered: Sep-06
thanx guys sorry to make an argument.
muddy have u been metered? also do you hit higher numbers on the windshield or the kick? what do they do at actual comps?

Gold Member
Username: Frkkevin

Lake Worth, Texas US

Post Number: 1407
Registered: Nov-05
highers numbers on the kick... legal your numbers will be lower.. (windows up.. doors closed) .. outlaw your numbers will be higher windows or doors open

Gold Member
Username: Basshead86

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Post Number: 7821
Registered: Aug-05
no i havent had the chance to have mine metered.
i was at a local get together a LONG time ago, but didn't have enough time to get mine metered before work. lol

Silver Member
Username: Rvlacos

El Paso, T.X. United States

Post Number: 235
Registered: Sep-06
thats how i got metered all window and doors closed and they put the tl meter on the windshield. i guess the shop i go to knows what theyre doin
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