i would get a pair of pyle subs and a pair of those and test them, see which is better, if they are better than pyle, they are the best ever you could probably get out of that whole deal by spending 10-15bucks so go ahead and try it, tell us the results
to be truthful, I had sony, Jensen, Pioneer, alpine, and id rather have Optimus. If installed right, and not expecting killer sound these amps have been good. Ive had em about 8 years now and never had any problems. Im running four of em to power 8 6x9s. it gets pretty loud. Id take optimus over any low budget amp out there including HiFon. Audabon?..any walmart brand and a lot of Bestbuy and Curcuit city ones on display at the moment. They are only plausible for speakers at low to mid volume. I would not run subs of em tho. Until the die I keep em. besides, I dont have to worry bout them getting stolen.. BTW, they were actually made by Pioneer and sanyo during the 90.s and the are true rms amps. IE 100 watts is 100 watts. In regards to being better then sony. Yes. I bought a sony 400 watt to upgrade my Optimus 170 watt. I installed it in the parking lot, Played it for bout 2 minutes, returned it and reinstalled the optimus....I dont think the are great amps by any means but for ultra low budget, there better then some of the mainsteam ones. I do plan on upgrading but still shopping brands that put out 100x4 at 4 ohms.