Looking for a good sub complimentary


New member
Username: Laethageal

Post Number: 1
Registered: Feb-06
Hello every body. I've been looking for different sub for sometimes now. I want to put a 12" in the back of my contour 98, something that'll drop lower that those 40hz we see in cheap subs. I put a Pionner DEH-P8MP as head unit, going to an AudioBahn amp, 4 chan delivering 800w, (I don't remember the unit code). It goes to 4 Infinity Kappa 62.3i.

I've had enough middle and high frequencies with those, but don't have anything lower 80hz. I've looked at the JL 12w7 or 13w7, also looked at the JBL W12gti. I'm open to other suggestion and to which amp you'd use. I want good SQ first, but without having poor SPL. Thanks for your help

Gold Member
Username: Rovin

Trinidad & T...

Post Number: 5804
Registered: Jul-05

Bronze Member
Username: Jemone

Stone Mountain, Georgia United States

Post Number: 83
Registered: Jan-06
Rovin you plug ascendant audio when ever you can. Do you work for them or are they really good?!!!lol

Gold Member
Username: 54danny54

Betsy layne, Kentucky..GO... USA duh

Post Number: 1795
Registered: Nov-04
ha ha well they are pretty dayum good man... Also they like drop REALLY LOW compared to other subs
also a W7 be nice

New member
Username: Laethageal

Post Number: 2
Registered: Feb-06
Thanks for the info. Btw, any of you heard Memphis subs ? Some local dealer breath and live for those, but I'd like outside opinion on that brand.

New member
Username: Laethageal

Post Number: 3
Registered: Feb-06
Here's the info on those memphis sub:

Bronze Member
Username: Demon_pride

Crowder, Oklahoma USA

Post Number: 61
Registered: Oct-05
Uhm, REaudio.com? If you have the money for a W7 then you have the money for a XXX or two. They own. I don't think you want SX because they are a little more SPL oriented, but retain some SQ. SE's are alot cheaper than the W7s, but would take a couple of them to get as loud.

Silver Member
Username: Pelona

Post Number: 765
Registered: Dec-05
are there any other subs that can drop lower than ascendant audio's subs?

Silver Member
Username: Alteraudiousa


Post Number: 331
Registered: Jan-06
Ascendant's don't drop lower than most other good subs. All depends on box. W7 is good but would overdo your inside speakers. You have audiobhn and W7 in same sentence in same car...something is wrong.
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