

Unregistered guest
what is a good quality cheap amp then will power my 500 watt 15 inch clarion sub?

Gold Member
Username: Basshead86

Ocala, FL USA

Post Number: 1608
Registered: Aug-05 amp would work great, but it wasn't cheap, and i won't sell it to you. lol

this seems to be Rovin's specialty.
i'm not good with prices.:-(

Gold Member
Username: Basshead86

Ocala, FL USA

Post Number: 1609
Registered: Aug-05
still haven't found out your password?
have you tried "forgot my password" at the top of the page?

Unregistered guest
Look cheap places like best buy/circuit city etc....If your not looking for real quality but just bang for your buck then sure buy a sony, bazooka, directed, crossfire, pioneer, legacy, pyrmid, pyle (the last 3 are real cheap but still work)

Silver Member
Username: Chaunb3400

Huntsville, Alabama U.S.

Post Number: 127
Registered: Jul-05
good quality cheap, go Hifonic

Silver Member
Username: Chaunb3400

Huntsville, Alabama U.S.

Post Number: 128
Registered: Jul-05
or did you mean thrift store cheap

Silver Member
Username: James_g


Post Number: 249
Registered: Jul-05
I wouldn't consider Best Buy or Circuit City to be cheap. In fact, I thought their prices were just about ridiculous. Circuit City wanted $799 plus tax for a Kicker KX1200.1 which can be had brand new on eBay for $400 or less with shipping. They can also be had from some online stores for about $500 with a warranty from said store. They wanted like $120 per sub for Kicker Comps, which can be had for around $40 online.

Best Buy was just as bad, but they did have low-end Power Acoustik products at fairly cheap prices. Their prices on RF were also ridiculous.

I'm surprised to see someone mention Directed in the same pathetic category as Sony, Pyramid, Legacy, and Pyle.

Unregistered guest
i dont like them Sony, Pyramid, Legacy, and Pyle. i shop at alittle store near here that has every thing brand new for ok prices. they have rockford fosgate amps but they are like $399. i bought my 15 for just over $200 same with my HU i want to get a 500-600 watt amp for just over 200. my sub is 500rms 1000max so 600 would be ok right? it wont blow it or nuthin? my HU is Alpine CDE-9843 and it wont remember any thing what is the cause of this? turn it off for more than 5 seconds and every thing is reset. i got it hooked up and got all my fm channals to where i wanted them turned it off and they were all gone. when i set the spealers up the way i want, they dont stay how they were. why does it do this?

Unregistered guest
any 1???

Silver Member
Username: Robert_d


Post Number: 141
Registered: Sep-05
i dont really know a good quality sub that will blow over some extra given power
also ur the amp might be over rated or underated
if u tell us the sub u got and the amp your gettin we could tell u but if anything just turn dont blast your subs to max power

Unregistered guest
sub i got is clarion PXW1542 500 watts rms 1000 watts max. maybe getting a rocksford fosgate amp... maybe depends on price

Silver Member
Username: Rovin

Trinidad & T...

Post Number: 856
Registered: Jul-05
What kinda coils your sub has - SVC or DVC & what ohms are they ???

Surprised no1 asked that as yet -lol

Unregistered guest
On the headunit not remembering anything, you might want to check you have both +12V lines hooked up (Ignition = Red, Battery = Yellow). Sounds like you have only the red ignition wire hooked up.


Bronze Member
Username: Astrosafari

Delhi, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 44
Registered: Aug-05
dual 2 ohm voice coils
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