New member Username: VuyodaddyPost Number: 2 Registered: Jun-05 | So I have been planning to purchase an Alpine SWX-1242D for some time now. My justification was that one of my friends has the JL W6 10's and my other friend is a die hard MTX fan. I figured I'd bring something new to the group. Kinda stupid, but I am getting this sub for sure. Criticism is welcome, I'll be open to suggestions like "dude, for that much money, you could get a _______". Anyway, I have no idea whether a ported, sealed, or whatever sort of box would be best fitted to this sub. I understand it is up to personal preference, but I'd like some opinions. Also, I know absolutely nothing about car audio and am having a difficult time finding a good matching amp for this sub. I've read up on user reviews saying that it would be a waste of the subwoofers potential to not get a 1000w amp. If so, what 1000w amp would you guys suggest? Or if not, what other amps would be a good match? Does anyone have any advice for me? I plan to build the system soon, so I hope this thread will help me get everything squared away. Thanks all! |
Bronze Member Username: Chaunb3400Huntsville, Alabama U.S. Post Number: 43 Registered: Jul-05 | whats your budget |
Silver Member Username: RzarectorCoquitlam, Bc Canada Post Number: 647 Registered: Dec-04 | alright, as for box type the type x is designed to run in a sealed enclosure - small 0.65 - 1.25 cu ft... i am also looking for amps for the X's... and while it is mroe expensive im probably going to go for the jl 1000/1's.. the slash series JL's are awesome amps.. im running one x on a 500/1 right now and it hits pretty good, but yah its a bit of a waste.. if your running only 500 w you might as well get type r's. id stay away from alpines new amps.. dont like where there going with them |
Bronze Member Username: Lil_jonPost Number: 98 Registered: Jul-05 | 2000 watts of clean power should do it just keep the gains low but the JL would do preety good |
Bronze Member Username: Chaunb3400Huntsville, Alabama U.S. Post Number: 44 Registered: Jul-05 | Lil Jon I hope you are playin about that pyramid amp |
Bronze Member Username: Lil_jonPost Number: 100 Registered: Jul-05 | lol yea man couldnt resist Al go for the 1000/1 im jealous i almost got two from a guy but 1 went into protection mode and wouldnt come out |
New member Username: VuyodaddyPost Number: 3 Registered: Jun-05 | I went the wimpy route and figured I didn't need competition subs to blow my brains out, so I just ordered a single Type R 12" and a m350 amp to go with it. Still debating on whether I shud jump up to the m650 to do the type r some justice... |
New member Username: VuyodaddyPost Number: 4 Registered: Jun-05 | Oh, and my budget was crap too, the second reason I decided to go for a Type R. The Type X seems a bit overkill-ish. |
New member Username: VuyodaddyPost Number: 5 Registered: Jun-05 | Plus my friend gets hookups at Bestbuy, so whatever they offer I'm workin with. No need to pick out auctions on eBay and hope to win. Didn't really like their Rockford Fosgate selection, so I'm goin all Alpine. I did pick up a 4 gauge wiring kit that was RF tho, msrp was like $115 and I got it for $37... figures. Thanks for the help guys, and sorry for the multiple posts. But I guess that's the only question left... get the cheap m350 amp for 100 bucks, or opt for the m650 for twice the price? Is the sound really worth an extra 100 bucks? |
Silver Member Username: RzarectorCoquitlam, Bc Canada Post Number: 648 Registered: Dec-04 | well its putting out almost twice the wattage.. so id say.. always go for the more powerful amp if u can .. its gonna get louder.. and you wont be pushing the amp as hard |
New member Username: VuyodaddyPost Number: 6 Registered: Jun-05 | Yeah, whats another hundred bucks right? I'd probably regret it later. Also considering I got big fatty 4 gauge wires for it. Speaking of which... is 4 gauge a bit overkill for what I'm pushing? Cuz it makes me wonder what sort of wires people use if they wanted to run 2 JL W7 12's... just curious. |
Gold Member Username: Jonathan_fGA USA Post Number: 4585 Registered: May-04 | You can never overkill with wire ![]() About two 12W7s, saying they'll need around 1500W RMS, you'll likely use a Class D amplifier that pulls close to 150 amps of current, so you're going to be using at LEAST 2 guage wire, if not 1/0. |
Silver Member Username: James_gTN Post Number: 168 Registered: Jul-05 | Ah, so using 1/0 GA power wire for my KX1200.1 doesn't seem so silly afterall. Someone else needs to read this thread. ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Jonathan_fGA USA Post Number: 4588 Registered: May-04 | Yeah, not silly by any means. You can always oversize a wire without any negative side effects, but never smaller. Larger wire has less resistance, thus builds up less heat, can handle more current flow, etc. The larger the wire, the greater the potential current flow and the safer it is. |
Silver Member Username: Riebread77Post Number: 606 Registered: Jun-05 | seems like lots of 1000/1's are going into protection and not coming out and also getting blown...I'm starting to think that they are overrated... maybe look into a crossfire vr1000d...great SQ and cheaper than a 1000/1... |
New member Username: VuyodaddyPost Number: 7 Registered: Jun-05 | Thanks for the help guys. I'm picking up the rest of the equipment today and will be installing it soon. I'll let you know how it goes. |
Gold Member Username: Jonathan_fGA USA Post Number: 4603 Registered: May-04 | "seems like lots of 1000/1's are going into protection and not coming out and also getting blown...I'm starting to think that they are overrated..." 99% of problems encountered in audio are user error. This is why smart companies, like JL, don't warrant online sales, and will extend the warranty if and only if installed or approved by an authorized dealer. I used to carry the 1000/1 amplifiers, I've seen VERY few need repairs, the majority of the ones that needed repair were ones that people decided to install themselves and half-assed it, drove it into clipping, set the gains incorrectly, didn't have adequate power to supply the amplifier, etc. There isn't as big a margin of error because there are so many possible configurations for a JL amp. An amplifier that puts out over 1000W RMS needs a LOT of current to power it, more than any stock alternator is capable of providing, and the RIPS system will draw even more current if the voltage of the system drops. The RIPS system isn't intended to compensate for insufficient charging systems, but to compensate for systems that run at different voltages and impedance loads, like if you swapped to 2 ohm subs, or if your car has the voltage regulator set to deliver 13.8V instead of 14.4V. The amps also don't come with internal fuses, because they expect the installer to be intelligent enough to choose a sufficient fuse size and run it at the battery. It isn't an amplifier for amateurs, it's for a professional user that is capable of using it correctly. |
Bronze Member Username: VuyodaddyPost Number: 12 Registered: Jun-05 | Geez, so should I even let my friends put their hands on my Type R and m650 amp? I mean, its not pushing that much power, and they've had plenty of experience (so I've heard), but should I just tough it out and have it installed somewhere? What mainstream franchise location could I take my car to and how much installation fees would I be looking at? Sorry for the overly general questions, but if you guys have answers, I'd be more than happy to read. |
Gold Member Username: Jonathan_fGA USA Post Number: 4604 Registered: May-04 | If your friends are capable of installing the amplifier and sub correctly, save the money and let them do it. My point above was that in the majority of failures that occur in these products (exceptions being really crappy companies like Sony, Lanzar, etc.) are due to abuse from the user. But the people are quick to start pointing fingers at the manufacturer. It's like putting 30,000 miles on a car without changing the oil and filters, then fussing when it breaks down. |
Unregistered guest | hey sup ppl ive been lookin at subs for a while and ive finally decided what i wanna get but i thought id run it by u first, i def wanna get the alpine type r 12inch subs and as far as an amp goes i was gonna get the KENWOOD KAC-9152D POWER MONO AMPLIFIER 1800W AMP im not sure thought about the amp so if u guys can let me kno how this set up will sound id apprichate it thanks |
dfhdsdggdsgg Unregistered guest | oh yea sorry i forgot to add i really want these mothas to pound like no tomarrow also i kno they have it in them so let me kno |
Bronze Member Username: VuyodaddyPost Number: 13 Registered: Jun-05 | Maybe I'm a noob, but if you're pushing that much wattage and you really wanna pound, get a type X on ebay for 200 bucks...? |