Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 3403 Registered: Jun-04 | im doin a similar idea with a 2 quart mason jar 3/8 tline and hose to my pcv valve |
Silver Member Username: 54danny54Post Number: 734 Registered: Nov-04 | lol i love that site...its gots cool stuff. also gas prices are so high 2day that when u fill up ya car doubles in value |
Silver Member Username: Camaro823British Colu... Canada Post Number: 119 Registered: Jun-05 | gas prices are crazy, over here its 1.05/L usually. I keep my camaro off the road nowadays, lol |
Silver Member Username: 54danny54Post Number: 735 Registered: Nov-04 | lol over here its like 2.30 a gallon...but off this subject, any1 know how 2 make a blowgun sorta like africans have for 10 bux or under lol |
Silver Member Username: AraknidBOCA , FL U.S. Post Number: 916 Registered: Nov-04 | lol, I have one or two of those you can find them at flea markets usually for like 15 bucks. But if you wanted to make one I have no idea. |
Silver Member Username: FfxdevilarmsDubuque, Iowa United States Post Number: 702 Registered: Jul-04 | I paid 2.45 a gallon last time i filled up. I use premium though. GODAMN GOUGERS!!! |
Silver Member Username: HellbenderLos Angeles, California USA Post Number: 144 Registered: Apr-05 | Last time I filled up it was $2.47 for Regular. Premium is like $2.69 a gallon. I remember filling up at $ .89 a gallon when I was 16-17 yrs old. |
Naras Unregistered guest | I remember filling up at $.97 in 2001 Dec in Los angeles. |
Silver Member Username: 54danny54Post Number: 742 Registered: Nov-04 | hey bassmanmike...have u bought one and used it yaself good r they |
Gold Member Username: Jonathan_fGA USA Post Number: 4321 Registered: May-04 | If this actually worked to it's claims, it would also reduce emissions by a great amount and the EPA would make it mandatory. As is, it is illegal in many states to modify your PCV system in any way, that's my disclaimer ![]() You will not believe the sludge and "gunk" that builds up in the jar. I broke an oil pump shaft in an engine with 185,000 miles on it, and when the oil pan was pulled, there wasn't any sludge or buildup. I installed the jar when the engine had about 72,000 miles on it" As far as the canister, it wasn't sludge and gunk when it entered the canister, it was vapor. This isn't what the canister "caught", but rather what formed after the oil, fuel, and water vapor was trapped within. Condensed water turns oil into sludge. If you trap condensed water in a canister, and trap oil vapor, and fuel, you will turn it into sludge after it sits. But if it burns off in a combustion chamber as intended, they will not form sludge or buildup. This canister simply shows you what the engine would look like if it didn't have a PCV system to vent out these gases and burn it. As far as "sludge" and "gunk" building in the engine, sludge builds up when you don't change your oil as you should. True sludge buildup sticks to the engine, sometimes to the point where it would take a chisel to get off. A 3/8" vacuum operated hose isn't going to suck sludge and gunk off of a connecting rod. Period. Think about this: Gas tanks also contain gas vapor, (notice the shhhhh when you open your gas cap). If the gas (liquid) had dirt in it, would sucking out the vapor do any good? Absolutely not. The gas would hold the dirt in place until it had a place to go (being drained). Detergent oils suspend contaminants so they do not settle on engine parts and form sludge. When the oil becomes saturated with contaminant particles, new particles settle out of the oil onto the internal engine parts. That's what causes sludge, and it's the primary reason that you change your oil. Contrary to popular belief, oil DOESN'T break down, it gets DIRTY. I've put hundreds of thousands of miles on engines and had no sludge too. Know why? I change my oil. |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 3415 Registered: Jun-04 | jon my uncle already did the pcv trick like im going to do and he got like a 10 percent increase in fuel economy how do you explain this |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 3416 Registered: Jun-04 | i not sure but i believe its a water and small amount of aclchol mix. Also I could be wrong but he may have gotten better than a 10 percent increase but I know it wasnt any lower than that. Ill let you know what it does for me after its hooked up in my car. |
Gold Member Username: Jonathan_fGA USA Post Number: 4323 Registered: May-04 | He likely got that increase simply from replacing a clogged PCV valve, routing new hose, and cleaning the intake. A clogged PCV system will kill your gas mileage as the engine depends upon it for normal operation, it's a good idea to clean the PCV valve and port at the intake on every oil change. If you want to do this comparison, do it fairly by replacing the PCV valve, cleaning the intake, and replacing the hose. Then get the mileage written down on a sheet of paper, try and get a couple tanks on there to get an average as gas mileage will fluctuate with weather conditions, driving habits, and engine tune. Then do the same after you add the PCV canister, and drive EXACTLY the same manner as you did before. I'm not saying this PCV modification can't add a little benefit, especially if you live in a moist climate or you just don't change your oil or have a lot of leakdown, but the claims on that website are way overexaggerated. That was my point. BTW, before PCV systems were designed to recycle fumes through the engine, manufacturers routed the hose to the outside of the vehicle so that the air rushing past could create a venturi effect and pull fumes out of the engine. Same function as the above system you linked, just without a canister. Gas mileage didn't suffer a bit after the changeover to modern PCV systems. |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 3425 Registered: Jun-04 | ill do my comparison with my exsiting pcv on my car to show you it not doing my upgrade like the link I gave just hose tline alchol and water mix line hooked to pcv the way my uncle is a mechanic so I doubt it is because he simply cleaned the was the mod that did the increase in fuel economy...(honestly I dont really understand why you find this hard to believe that it was the mod that did it but to each his own I guess) 10 percent minimum is what he got jon |
Silver Member Username: FfxdevilarmsDubuque, Iowa United States Post Number: 729 Registered: Jul-04 | To tell you the truth, i am with Jon on this one. Jon has tons of fact to back up what he is saying and sear, you have no facts at all. |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 3426 Registered: Jun-04 | Well I cant make you believe me so that's your choice. Try it or dont its up to you. |