I just put a little bigger amp(400WattRMS)on my boston 10.5 sub. Flying down the freeway enjoying the sound an out of nowhere my sub starts going pufsbuzzblopblop(sounds like it was 1,blown or 2 sitting in free air really loud). I turned off the sub and this morning when I flipped the seat forward(small pu) the sides of my box had blown open! took it out only to find that the box was glued but not screwed. about 48 wood screws later, I'm back in black and the sub sounds much better than it ever has. I now know why folks say the Boston sub need to be sealed well.
Unless it was school grade white glue, it should not have come apart. Wood glue will harder than the wood itself once it is dried. Wood screws are mainly used for keeping the piece in place while the glue is drying. Wood glue also keeps it airtight if you have a good thick line. I'm hoping you cleaned up the old glue and applied some new stuff.
assuming it was even glued well i gorilla glued a box together and let it set up then dropped it 3ft to see how strong it was. the sides fell off of it.