New member Username: IndownPost Number: 2 Registered: Apr-05 | Hey i got a 99 Jeep Grand Cherokke Limited and am trying to put some subs in it. I already got the box and the subs, pretty old used to be my brothers. They are 2 12" Kicker Solo Barics, and I'm pretty sure they give out 300w each. Know besides all this I am clueless of what to do with the amp and all. I don't know how the amp will hook up either. Some people have been telling me i can't put in subs since i don't have one of those new headunits, but i knew this wasn't true but just don't know what i need to see what my headunit has so i can hook them up. Any help with all this amp stuff or a suggestion of what type of amp i should get would be cool. Thanks |
Silver Member Username: GoonPost Number: 138 Registered: Feb-05 | You can put them in with a stock HU, you just need a special peice of some sort. as for an amp, you would want to look for a class d amp for the subs, one that does 600wrms by 1 channel, and run them in parralell. (i think this is all correct) you could even underpower them with a 500w giving them 250w each. goon |
Silver Member Username: Jwbulger79Florida Post Number: 506 Registered: Nov-04 | to hook up an amp to your factory head unit you'll need a line output converter. order this from crutchfield b/c it will come with good instructions and they have outstanding customer support in case you have trouble hooking it up. as for an amp, do not order that from crutchfield. they are way overpriced for items like that. we'll need some more info on those subs before we can recommend an amp. we have to know what the impedence of the subs are, 4ohm, 2ohm? does each sub have one voice coil (one place to hook up + and - wire) or two( two + and two - hookups)? if you can, find the model number of the sub. are they the round subs or the square ones? how much you lookin' to spend on the amp? for example, if they are 300 watt single voice coil 2ohm subs, then you can two of them to present the amp with either a 1ohm load or a 4ohm load so you would look for an amp that puts out 600 watts at either 1ohm or 4ohms. however, if they are single voice coil 4ohm subs, then you can wire them two either a 2ohm load or an 8ohm load, so you'd have to find an amp that puts out 600watts at 2ohm. anyways jeff, holla back with that info and we'll throw out some amp recommendations. i'm a big fan of the old kicker stuff, older they are the better quality in my opinion; we used to bump around town back in highschool in the mid to late 90's to those old kickers. no matter what amp you get, you'll need that line ouptput converter though. those folks telling you that it wouldnt work without a new head unit were probably just jealous ![]() |
New member Username: IndownPost Number: 3 Registered: Apr-05 | As for the ohms and coils i have no idea. All i really know is that they are the solo baric kicker model, and as i said before a old one. They are the circle model. There are 2 places on the box that have the +,- hookup so I'm guessing a one voice coil. And i have no idea how to check the ohm of the subs. It's hard for to look inside because of the homemade box, it's nailed shut. As for pricing I'd like to spend no more than $400, less would be nice. |
Anonymous | Crutchfield they tax to much P go to Wally World or a Local radio shop to get a converter. |
Mpower Unregistered guest | I need some help wiring my system up. I have 2 12" dual 4ohm voice coil MA subs. Each is at 500RMS. I have an Alphasonic amp at 500RMS x 2 ch. The amp is 1 ohm stable, but I want to wire each sub at 2ohm for 500rms goin to each sub. Can someone explain (using ex: + sub to + amp...) how to wire them. Thanks. |
New member Username: IndownPost Number: 4 Registered: Apr-05 | Does anyone know how many ohms a 12" Solo Kicker Baric, the circle version, from back in the day from aboy 96-99? Or are there amps where it doesnt matter how many ohms you have? |
Gold Member Username: FishyTamarac Ft.Laud, FL USA Post Number: 1090 Registered: Sep-04 | Although I'd rather see you utilize a $60 "blue light special" cd player w/ preouts than an LOC here are a few "good" ones: -Fishy |
New member Username: IndownPost Number: 6 Registered: Apr-05 | I really like my headunit though. I know its stock but i still like it. And I'm going to go find out how many ohms my subs are with a ohm tester, after that off to get my amp and wiring and in go the subs. Anyone who's installed the subs is it really as hard as everyone makes it out to be? Is all i have to do is connect the wiring from the amp to the battary, the amp to the subs, then the amp to the headunit with the LOC? |
Silver Member Username: TpizzlePost Number: 213 Registered: Apr-05 | if they are 4ohm, wire them down to 2 so you dont have to get as big of an amp. i have a rockford fosgate ide sell you that is one of the greatest rf amps ever made (older version). |
Gold Member Username: FishyTamarac Ft.Laud, FL USA Post Number: 1119 Registered: Sep-04 | To use an LOC you're going to have to tap into your rear speaker wires somehow(or front). Aside from running a power wire to your amp that'll probably be the biggest pita. -Fishy |