Protection light switches back and forth


New member
Username: Hitman5645

Post Number: 1
Registered: Feb-05
ok I am new here and have read the past amp problems that are related to my problem in some ways, ok when I turn on my system the power light goes on for a split second and then switches to the protection light and then back on and the base hits for a second then back to the protection light, now I tried about everything, tested remote wire, checked power/ground wires. I have a 1000 watt boss amp running with 2 12 bazookas, xplod deck 52x4. anything else u guys wanna know, IM me at hitman5645 or post it here, please.


Bronze Member
Username: Kojak28

Augusta, GA USA

Post Number: 33
Registered: Feb-05
Check your ohm load.

New member
Username: Hitman5645

Post Number: 3
Registered: Feb-05
the subs are 4 ohms each, would u think that they would be the problem, cause they been running for a month, they were beautiful.

New member
Username: Hitman5645

Post Number: 6
Registered: Feb-05
so did I fry my amp or what???

probly...make sure speaker wires arent touching each other

New member
Username: Hitman5645

Post Number: 7
Registered: Feb-05
well I made sure everything is good, I even took everything off the amp except the power, ground and remote and it still goes in protection mode then switches on for a split second and back to protection mode, over and over again. should I get a new amp or what guys, please do help.

Thank you.

New member
Username: Hitman5645

Post Number: 8
Registered: Feb-05
well I made sure everything is good, I even took everything off the amp except the power, ground and remote and it still goes in protection mode then switches on for a split second and back to protection mode, over and over again. should I get a new amp or what guys, please do help.

Thank you.

Bronze Member
Username: Kojak28

Augusta, GA USA

Post Number: 36
Registered: Feb-05
Check your conns at the battery. I had asimilar problem- it was a loose connection on the main power wire from the battery. Loose crimp to be exact. Also check your gains. You said 1000w Bazooka-is that a mono block? How do you have your subs wired?

Silver Member
Username: Marley289

Post Number: 119
Registered: Nov-04
also check your ground wire, i had the same exact problem, all i had to do was put a new crimp on my ground wire and screw it back on to the frame of the car.

Bronze Member
Username: Vaio

Post Number: 40
Registered: Dec-04
Check all your wire Rcas etc..

New member
Username: Hitman5645

Post Number: 9
Registered: Feb-05
well, I checked everything except my power wire at the battery, now my car is at the shop, 3 inch lift kit installed, : ), I got a 96 pathfinder if anyone would like to know. any way I should get it back today, I'm so excited and when I do I'll check the power wire at the battery, I have it bridged, + from channel 1 and - from channel 2 for both subs. please let me know if I should buy anew amp.

New member
Username: Hitman5645

Post Number: 10
Registered: Feb-05
please explain my gains / mono block, this is my first system.

Bronze Member
Username: Kojak28

Augusta, GA USA

Post Number: 41
Registered: Feb-05
You are runnining a 4 channel amp for subs? THAT would be the first item to reconsider. The really GOOD subwoofer amps are mono block (meaning that instead of bridging at the speaker outlet jacks onn the amp to get more wattage, it is bridged INTERNALLY) In stereo amps, usually you have 2 channels: Left and Right. The RCA cables carry these signals from the HU to the xover(if applicable) then to the amp. The "signal" is then "amplified" and sent out the speaker outlet wires. You bridged (2) 4 ohm subs 1 at channel 1, one at channel 2(front & rear) is that amp 2 ohm stable? I doubt it very seriously. Here's what to do: just use the rear channel. DO NOT BRIDGE BOTH. Wire it for stereo. One more thing, are the subs DVC? (dual voice coil). Me, personally, I would keep that amp for mids & highs(I am actually looking for a good one 2 or 4 channel...CHEAP)and GET A MONO BLOCK. THEY TORTURE SUBWOOFERS!!! and a lot of them are 1 ohm stable or even .5 ohm stable! If you do what I suggested to get your ohm load right- I don't think you smoked that amp. GOOD LUCK.

Bronze Member
Username: Hitman5645

Post Number: 11
Registered: Feb-05
I took everything off the amp and left power/ground and it still goes in protection. now this sustem has worked for a month before and never had a problem with it, why did it just start freakin out on me??? any one here from rochester NY, that would like to take a look at this : ) .

Bronze Member
Username: Kojak28

Augusta, GA USA

Post Number: 45
Registered: Feb-05
How high do you have the gains set? If you got 'em more than half way, it could be PART of the problem. Check your fuse at the battery. It should be somewhere in the 100A-150A range.

Bronze Member
Username: Hitman5645

Post Number: 12
Registered: Feb-05
well I got mad today and threw my amp at the wall. haha. now its broken for sure, then I decided to put some lighter fluid on it and set it on fire. anyway, anyway one has an amp they wanna sell me, please let me know. 2 channel around 1000 watt, cause I got 2 12's (bazookas) and each are 500 watts @ 4 ohms, any amp that will make them pound.

Bronze Member
Username: Kojak28

Augusta, GA USA

Post Number: 49
Registered: Feb-05
Dude, You have DVC 4ohm subs. GO MONOBLOCK, BABY! I have an Autotek SX1200X (not for sale), But it would rock those 2 subs(it is 1 ohm stable) THAT is hat you need to push the power you want-1 ohm stable monoblock amp good for 1000-1500wrms.

Bronze Member
Username: Hitman5645

Post Number: 14
Registered: Feb-05
how much does u amp gop for now adays.

Bronze Member
Username: Hitman5645

Post Number: 16
Registered: Feb-05
whats mono block??? new here.

Bronze Member
Username: Kojak28

Augusta, GA USA

Post Number: 51
Registered: Feb-05
OK. Let me Know what your budget is, and I will Set u up with Some info on a good amp to match up to those subs. I bought my amp for $350 from I think it is around $400 now. In a mono block amp, what you were trying to do in bridging both channels, is already done for you. You notice on 2 channel amps- they are simply that: 2 channels(Left and Right) On 4 channel you have Front and Rear channel as well as L & R-it's almost like 2 channels WITHIN 2 channels, making it 4 channels. Your RCA jacks carry the signal to produce these "channels". Left is white Right is red. Well, in ONE channel amplifiers, (AKA MONO BLOCK) RCA jacks go into the amp, but the 2 channels are converted internally into ONE channel.(mono) When you bridge a 2 channel amp(aka stereo or class A/B) you are changing the signal from stereo to MONO, trying to get all you can wattage-wise from the amp. Just be sure it is at least 2 ohm stable. Look at the RMS wattage of the sub. You want an amp to be 2x that rms @1ohm. Say, if the subs are 500 wrms each, you need an amp that is 1000wrms @1ohm(since you have 2 subs) Now, mono block amps may sometimes have 2 speaker outputs. This DOES NOT MEAN L & R channel!! This is simply ONE speaker output SPLIT into TWO. When you wire the subs, wire them PARALLEL(++, - -)that will give you 1 ohm at the amp. mono block amps are designed specifically for subs. They will sound like crap hooked up to component speakers(mids & highs). Mono blocks tend to have a lower current draw than Multi-channel amps (speaking OVERALL).

Unregistered guest
i have 2 sony explode 10" subs model number XS-L1030 they have a rated power of 120watts max input is 400watts and they are at 4 ohms each what would be a necessary amp 4 my subs i had a clarion APA4203 2/3/&4 channel amp i took it aprt and it had a burn mark on the board next 2 the speaker output it turns on then hits 4 a while then will stop bumping but the amp light stays on and when i turn my hu off the back on it will bass 4 about 2-3 seconds then stop bumping i had it in my trunk and it had a built in fan on it but 2 be safe i added a cpu colling fan 2 it i bought from compusa and had the ground going to the ground and the positive going to the remote so when i turn my radio off the fan goes off 2 i dont know how many watts the clarion is cuz it did not say on it but it worked fine 4 a while i just dont know what is wrong with it i was woundering if anybody know what my problem is and or what amp 2 buy thank you your help is greatly needed!!!!!!!!!!1

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Username: Italngringo

Post Number: 2
Registered: Mar-05
What amp do i need to power 2 12 inch audiobahns with 550 rms to the fullest?
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