RE Subs In the States?


Bronze Member
Username: Stanleyc

Post Number: 47
Registered: Oct-04
I am trying to find local dealers that sell RE subs but I think Resonant Engineering was just bought by another company called bladeice or something because I can't find their original site and the only site that came up on google that remotely resembles a homepage is Also how much do RE X.X.X 12" subs usually go for? I don't want to get ripped off when going to a local dealer.

Silver Member
Username: Southernrebel

Louisiana USA

Post Number: 237
Registered: Mar-04

Bronze Member
Username: Stanleyc

Post Number: 49
Registered: Oct-04
Hmmm, why didn't that show up in my search? O well.

Bronze Member
Username: Stanleyc

Post Number: 50
Registered: Oct-04
O man, the music on their site sounds nice on my z680 speakers. =)!!!

Bronze Member
Username: Stanleyc

Post Number: 51
Registered: Oct-04
OK, on the spec sheets, it says the RE X.X.X. are 1600w rms. Now how the heck do I power those? If I have 2 of them in parallel that would give 1 ohm. What amps are out there that can support this kind of wattage? The Zapco ones have the 1200w and then jump up to 4000w. Would I need to get 2 amps in parallel or something?

Gold Member
Username: Glasswolf

NorthWest, Michigan USA

Post Number: 4879
Registered: Dec-03
personally I run a dedicated, bridged Orion 2250SX for each RE triple X 12"
that's 1Kw of power per sub.

Orion also sells a newer model amp that's class D and offers 3000 watts RMS at 2 ohms I believe.
I couldn't tell ya if that amp is any good though.
It's a "Directed" product.

Bronze Member
Username: Stanleyc

Post Number: 53
Registered: Oct-04
I can't seem to find that sub anywhere. Do you know if the Orion 1200D mono amp is any good (relative to zapco amps)?
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