Do Speakers Truly Perform Better At 1 Ohm


New member
Username: Danny_b777

Bradenton, Florida USA

Post Number: 8
Registered: Sep-04
Is it ture that a speaker will perform better at 1 ohm, or is 1 ohm just giving it more power.

Silver Member
Username: Fishy

Tamarac, FL USA

Post Number: 207
Registered: Sep-04
No, speakers perform best when properly matched to an amplifier. If that amplifier happens to be 1 ohm stable then I'd say yes, it will in general deliver more power to that speaker than one that was say 2 or 4 ohms.


Gold Member
Username: Jonathan_f


Post Number: 1839
Registered: May-04
Amps running at 1 ohm will have higher distortion, worse damping, more heat, and less headroom than the same amp running at 2 or 4 ohms.

New member
Username: Danny_b777

Bradenton, Florida USA

Post Number: 10
Registered: Sep-04

Bronze Member
Username: Danny_b777

Bradenton, Florida USA

Post Number: 11
Registered: Sep-04
If I get a mono amp and hook it up, will it automaticly fuction at 1 ohm, or is there a special way to hook it up to bring it down to 1 ohm. And what happens if you cross the negative and positive on a 2 channel amp (runnin the positive from one channel to the positive and the negative from the second channel to the negative),is that parallel?
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