New member Username: SenecaPost Number: 1 Registered: Mar-13 | The problem with this site is nothing more than the keyboard cowboys who post asinine remarks and act as if they own it. You don't like the way a site is run, you leave. You want to have a site run your way, you get off your @ss and open your own, then do what ever you want. It isn't hard to do, I'm sure if the "fun bunch" would put as much effort into using there intelligence (questionable)instead of acting like children they might even be able to muster enough brain power to open and run one. but from what I have read from them I highly doubt it. |
Bronze Member Username: Athena_Post Number: 47 Registered: Jan-13 | ALL the members you are referring to as the fun bunch were here way b4 any of the "The bunch of idiots' you are defending ... If you think talking about bestiality is your idea of "intelligence" not to mention... breaking the laws posting on a public forum such as this one IS on how to steal TV channels, then your own intelligence is questionable. You failed.... sorry not buying your crap. OH AND PLEASE LEAVE IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT HERE... After all any idiot can find a new site to gossip in and bad mouth others. Here's a hint MAKE YOUR OWN!!! |
New member Username: SenecaPost Number: 2 Registered: Mar-13 | You have just shown how questionable your intelligence is because no where in that post do I defend anyone. As for making my own, I have two very well run ones and you won't find any of the garbage that spews here posted on them. You Doreen are a total idiot so i take it you will be finding a new site to spread your venom.I highly doubt that you will be welcomed to many since shall we say in the admin forums your name has become well known as a trouble maker. |
Bronze Member Username: Athena_Post Number: 49 Registered: Jan-13 | But you do indicate that the "fun bunch are (as quoted by you)... I'm sure if the "fun bunch" would put as much effort into using there intelligence (questionable)instead of acting like children they might even be able to muster enough brain power to open and run one. but from what I have read from them I highly doubt it. then you have the audacity to posts ( as quoted by you)... You have just shown how questionable your intelligence is because no where in that post do I defend anyone. so which is it ? Are you or are you not defending the "others" in your post? News flash " total idiot" you are indeed defending the "others" here on this site STFU and get lost if you don't like it here. As for me being a "trouble maker" and "not welcomed" on other sites. I WAS a member of just one other site like this one. And... I was harassed there and defamed by many over a LIE PLYMOUTH started here about me ( talk about your trouble maker) you want to ask my lawyer about that nosy? BTW.... FYI MR Thinks he knows it all... I QUIT the other site I would bet you're either Nydas or Subash or a friend judging by your posts and comments towards me. Not to mention there are MANY that defended me on here and that other site. So either gets your facts straight or SHUT UP ABOUT ME or any other member here that you really know nothing about. You say you are not defending anyone? ... Perhaps you should have written "you are not defending the fun bunch but condone the "bestiality and illegal post sand activities regarding TV channel Piracy" nonsense from the others". Is that what kind of sites you run? Well then maybe your sites can benefit from the "intelligence" of the 3 stooges that you are defending here. LMAO... you know nothing of what really goes on here do you? Word from the wise.... Never take someone at face value. |
Bronze Member Username: Athena_Post Number: 50 Registered: Jan-13 | One other thing ... why don't you ask all the GOOD MEMBERS that were banned for NO REASON by Plymouth so that his "friend" Nydas can be #1 around here or ask LK (LK_lives) why he is threatened to be banned here as well and Many Many others. Or ask the top poster (wingmanalive)of this entire site how he feels about the "others"? He too was threaten to be banned. FOR WHAT REASON you may ponder? LMAO... ask Nydasand Plymouth they seem be the only ones to feel that Paul should be banned. Oh but wait seem to think you know it all and WHO the "trouble makers" are around here. What was I thinking when questioning your intelligence? LMAO go to the satellite TV form and see for yourself since you claim you're not "defending" anyone here... Lets just see who's side you really are on. FYI... I haven't been on this site for a year and in my absence the crap is still going on without my help. So Please address your issues regarding the "trouble makers" and take them up with Admin here of this site before you go and point your accusing figure in my direction Mr. know NOTHING. |
New member Username: SenecaPost Number: 3 Registered: Mar-13 | I wonder if you quit the other site or were shown the door. If your style of posting and attitude are any example I'm sure it was the latter.And yes shall we address the fact that Admin is the owner of this site and not you, the fun bunch nor any of members, if he is unhappy with the way "his" site is run its his place to correct it. if I were him I would kick the whole lot of you out and I'm sure his site would do just fine. |
New member Username: SenecaPost Number: 4 Registered: Mar-13 | defamation?libel? where? For your information an internet persona cannot be sued for defamation nor libel of another internet persona. You would have to show that it has affected your life in a harmful way and since no one knows who you are except Doreen you are just blowing smoke out your @ss. Are you saying that you are the only Doreen in the world therefore everyone knows you personally? Undoubtedly your lawyer has yet to finish law school or he/she would know basic 2nd amendment rights and laws. |
Bronze Member Username: Athena_Post Number: 54 Registered: Jan-13 | LMAO listen I know for a FACT that I can sue for Libel because my real name was written within some of the posts. MY personal information was posted up on many sites along with my real picture and email address. I was also harassed by other members being referred to as a transvestite and other names and treated accordingly to that false rumors. My computer was hacked into and a few other things ALL affecting my real life. Do you what to pay the bills for me? I had it looked at and fixed. Not to mention all the software I had to buy to protect my computer from any further attempts from hackers etc... How do you know no one knows who Doreen is really is or my real name? FYI Mr. know NOTHING.. MY REAL NAME WAS POSTED ... Do you understand that and can you comprehend English and what Libel defamation really is? Go ask a lawyer just what I can or can't do in my situation. See I do my home work and you sound like a stupid f^ck to me now who's intelligence is very questionable and your agenda here on this site. Anyone can search the internet and assume what they read is true fact ... but pay and or ask a real lawyer and find out just what is right. You assume to much for someone that doesn't know sh!t about me or what really goes on behind the scenes of this and other sites by it's members. Much like Plymouth when he started that rumor about me here on this site and his "MOD" powers here. He is a useless moron and stupid as all get out plus a liar. this I can prove. He'd fit right in on your sites judging by you comments and attitude. Both you and he KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ME OR MY REAL LIFE OR WHAT I CAN DO ACCORDING TO THE LAWS. I am done conversing with the likes of you. Go kiss Plymouth @ss some more and defend him.. WOW for someone that says he doesn't defend anyone you sure go out of your way to defend the actions of the libel acts of others. Here for further reference Libel defamation is when a persons real name and personal information and or along with their real photo is posted in the attempt to defame that person in a malice attempt to defame their reputation. Written for one or more to read on a newspaper, a letter, a website posting ,in forums , Blogs, twitter, an email, a picture, or a radio or TV broadcast. If you can prove that someone libeled you, and that person does not have a good defence to hurt your reputation and can be proven with malice. THAT IS LIBEL. |
Bronze Member Username: Athena_Post Number: 55 Registered: Jan-13 | since you're stalking me on other sites as it appears you are .. I can go post on that site any time I want to... I was NOT shown the door as you think ...but I don't have to prove sh!t to you BUT CAN IF YOU WISH.... so again shut up and stop assuming you know everything about me or what goes on, on other sites regarding me. LMAO you sound just like the 3 stooges.... no wonder you're here... LOL this is pathetic. This is getting creepy.... go stalk Plymouth he like that kind of attention. |
New member Username: SenecaPost Number: 5 Registered: Mar-13 | Stalking you? You do seem to have an exaggerated sense of yourself.Let me put this in a more clear text so that you will understand it. We have a forum of admins from across the net, we discuss things and trouble makers are one of those things. You are considered a trouble maker. You have provided quite a few chuckles with your idiotic remarks. today alone you have provided some amusing tidbits. You claim here that you were hacked, but yet one of the admins actually posted that in a pm to her you said it was in fact your battery giving you trouble, very interesting. |
Bronze Member Username: Athena_Post Number: 56 Registered: Jan-13 | Speaking of interesting >.. postd by you " We have a forum of admins from across the net, we discuss things and trouble makers are one of those things. You are considered a trouble maker. You have provided quite a few chuckles with your idiotic remarks. today alone you have provided some amusing tidbits." Well "we" as you so like to refer to yourselves as ... are you basing this information just solely on what you've read on this site or on other sites as well? Are you a member of the "other site" I was on? And can you prove that the OWNER AND ADMIN'S of that site see me as you CLAIM "A TROUBLE MAKER"? NOW I SEE WERE YOU'RE COMING FROM Seneca.... you just posted You claim here that you were hacked, but yet one of the admins actually posted that in a pm to her you said it was in fact your battery giving you trouble, very interesting. " First off genius... who is "HER" and what "ADMIN" PMed her? Just how do you know this ? Not to mention how would you know anything about what was posted or Pmed on the other site? I don't recall mentioning what the "other sites" name is . Strange in deed.... for someone not stalking me sure know much about who pm's who ABOUT ME on a site you claim you know noting about. Second.. My battery was a problem, yes .. but explain to me why there was a unexpected HIDDEN portions within my hard drive found. Plus all software that was in it... that I know for a fact I never put there and was NOT made when installing windows . Keeping in mind I fix and set up PC as a hobby. NOT TO MENTION WHY MY CURSER WAS GOING WACKO AND WHY I HAD NO CONTROL OVER MY PC. SOUNDS LIKE A HACKER ATTACT TO ME... NO? Since I had my PC looked at by another tech had it FIXED and got rid of that hidden partition and the software found in it and reformatted my PC... things are working just fine now, all but the battery which is dead now. Very interesting how too you know so little now but yet so much about the facts. Especially about who pm's who and what was said within those PM's on other sites that you claim you know NOTHING about! YOU ALSO CLAIM YOU'RE JUST BASING YOUR INPUT ABOUT ME SOLELY BASED ON WHAT IS POSTED ON THIS SITE ONLY IN THIS ADMIN'S FORUM. YOU SIR ARE FULL OF SH!T AND YOU'RE SO BUSTED EPIC FAIL ON YOUR PART WHOEVER YOU REALLY ARE. Oh and FYI...some of us here and on the other site are sitting here reading your BS and having a great laugh at your expense as well. The more you spew your BS the more you reveal who you really are and what your true intentions are posting here. If you are JUST reading the admin's forums then how the hell do you know all about the "fun bunch" considering many of them don't post in the feed back forum here? Strange in deed and very interesting. BTW your bullsh!t posts are just that ... so back off. |
New member Username: SenecaPost Number: 6 Registered: Mar-13 | I guess I will have to go and put this in even simpler text so you can understand it. No where do I say it is a admin forum here,or anything to do with this admin section on this site. There is a separate site ,not here that admins gather and discuss sites we run. We also have an IRC that we talk in. Get it yet or is even that beyond what your brain can process ? You sent a pm to an admin dumb@ss, and she is not only an admin/site owner, she is also member of our group. I guess I could break in down in terms a six year old would understand if this is to much for you still yet. |
Silver Member Username: MememememePost Number: 212 Registered: Sep-12 | I like how your mother always put it in simple texts seneca lol I beleave her last one said "Whore for hire " lol |
Bronze Member Username: Athena_Post Number: 57 Registered: Jan-13 | ok I re-read all you BS and I must say WOW..You're dumber than a rock Understand me here .... I LIVE IN CANADA... GOT IT YET? You tell me or you've at least indicated you know me .. HIGHLY DOUBTFUL Then you tell me my lawyer basically doesn't know sh!t about the laws ....then you talk about the 2d amendment he should care about that. Listen up dumbass.... FYI... there is NO 2d amendment in Canada .....LMAO.... we live by the Canadian Constitutional Charter of Rights and Freedoms Acts. NOW PLEASE DO YOUR HOME WORK before you go and start accosting me again acting like you know me with your BS attitude. Oh and what the hell does the American 2d amendment have to do with me or any libel case .... may I ask? BTW ...Don't think for one minute you're fooling me or anyone else here...I know who you are now.... so F UCK OFF and stay at your sites and talk all you want about me in your admim's forums or sites because after this post I'm done talking to you. I left that site and now you come here ? WHY? My leaving that site wasn't good enough for you so now you have to harass me here too? ... Get a F ucken life. The "admin here doesn't give a flying f--- about your so called admin"s forum... there is only 1 admin here.. so your BS about your admin from means s--t here. So go take it to YOUR sites. Fat chance that it matters much here at Ecoustics what is said... LMAO@YOU Please tell Ducky I say hi and I'm sorry about his loss. |
New member Username: SenecaPost Number: 7 Registered: Mar-13 | You really shouldn't post about Doreen like that Greg, she might sue you. And for your information Doreen this site like many other sites is based out of California, therefore under United States laws. But even that I'm sure is to much for a simpleton like you to understand. You think you know who I am, but with that I am sure you are wrong also as the likes of you wouldn't be on any of my sites. I have no clue who Ducky is, so I wont be giving them any message. And to staff here why don't you just server ban these idiots. |
Bronze Member Username: Athena_Post Number: 59 Registered: Jan-13 | you really are stoooooooooooopid aren't you senseless? You don't even have a clue who Greg is do you ...LMAO AGAIN@you You may know who all the characters (members) and admins are on your other sites and others of that nature, but this one I know all the players. From where I'm sitting and Greg too.. you look and sound like a real moron. LOL News flash I am not going after any "SITES" as you seem to digest in your pea brain .. I can however go after membersof that site(s) or any site if I or anyone in the entire world chooses too so. CAN YOU COMPREHEND THAT? DOES YOUR PEA SIZED BRAIN UNDERSTAND THIS YET? . VERY DOUBTFUL as usual I may not know which one of the "admins" of YOUR sites you really are, but I'll bet I do have a good CLUE. BTW all the "ADMIN'S" over at the "other site" I was at are all Canadians and so it's unlikely one of them would bring up the American 2d Amendmentto an other Canadian ... LMAO BTW that was a hint as to how I figured out who you are) So what's left but to assume you are an American and I do know "who" the all admins there are too from the other sites you are talking about. It's not rock science and doesn't take a genius to figure it out. This forum you're posting in IS the one and only ADMIN'S FORUMon this site... now can you comprehend what I was referring to when I posted about the "admin's forum here". Who's the simpleton now? You say you have "no clue who Ducky is" ... you can stop playing retarded now.... If you didn't have a clue then why do you know WHO I was in pm with and how you even knew about what was said within the pm to HER? Given the fact that I was a member of one other site other than this one and there was only one other HER on this other site, plus she was the only HER I was ever in PM with (recently I might add) I do know from which site your on. See it pays not to become a member of MANY sites of that nature like you're on. It makes it easier for me to figure out where your coming from and who you are. Stop making an @ss of yourself here because noone here is buying your BS. Why should the admin ( that's 1 staff member BTW) listen to you and "server ban these idiots"? ... Christ he doesn't listen to any one else that's been a member of this site for years. All but Nydas THE NARK....Do you honestly think your request has priority over anyone else's around this site? Try sucking up to that idiot NYDAS, if and when he comes back here in May. Maybe he can ask the admin to ban us all. LMAO good luck with that too. See unlike your sites where you have many admins that like to "share" posts and PM's amongst other sites so they can bash each other like CHILDREN and BS like that. The Ecoustics admin(1) stays out of all threads and HE doesn't participate in any of the BS within other forums. He doesn't give a rats@ss what you think or want. Making complaints to him... well you may as well start pulling out your own hair. IT'S A WASTE OF TIME AND EFFERT ON YOUR PART. But be my guest and try. But don't say I didn't warn you. LMAO Oh and this Is not a FTA site or even close to it or of that nature. So chances of the admin here caring what goes on on your sites is absolutely NONE. Brain is a very respectful and intelligent man and doesn't have the time to play your kind of STUPID admin games.} |
New member Username: Add_name_herePost Number: 1 Registered: Mar-13 | Doreen are you kidding me? |
New member Username: SenecaPost Number: 8 Registered: Mar-13 | So who are you going to sue nimrod? This site does not have to give you nor your so called attorney any information. And since you cannot sue just some random nickname off the internet you are the stupid idiot. I never said I was at the other site either , I just talked to the person you pm'd , she is on that site, and a member of our admin group. I talked to her about an hour ago , and some lawyer you have.LMFAO, you used one of those ask for information sites off the internet that's your big deal lawyer. |
Bronze Member Username: Athena_Post Number: 60 Registered: Jan-13 | Not going to sue this "site" or any other.... but I could sue it's MEMBERS ( wow still not getting it eh) None of you on the other sites are worth my time or money because even if I just sent you all a demand letter, you stupid f ucks would just ignore it anyway. THAT IS WHY I LEFT NCN. get it yet?.. take my lead and do as I have done over on the other site and leave here moron. Jeez.. ya think for the amount of "intelligence" you claim to possess, you'd of figured this out .. but what was I thinking .... stupid is what stupid does. and I was stupid to think you could get a clue. Just drop your f ucking attitude and get a life ... or are you one of those "nimrods" that are a glutton for punishment. how can I make this clear for your pea brains to understand ... IT'S OVER .. NOT GOING TO WASTE MY MONEY TO DO SH!T TO YOU IDIOTS>>>> NOW F UCK OFF. How about you talk to a CANADIAN LAWYER BTW .. seems like your American laws aren't the same in my country .. If you're going to sue anyone in your country and use the "2d AMENDMENT" as a defence for Libel... (LMAO AT THAT) ... knock yourself out dimwit. My lawyer says I CAN "TRY" TO SUE ANOTHER CANADIAN and even an American if I had thousands of dollars to do so. But then you're just as ignorant as ALI and can't get it through your stupid @ssed American heads. ever notice on NCN GS2 deleted a few things ? wanna know why? it was incriminating against the moron that posted the tanny BS and used my real name along with his posts and that my f ucken idiot friend MAKES IT LIBEL. in the Canadian and Ameriacan laws can understand .... what ... i'm ..saying? or do you need a rock thrown at ya to knock some sense into your getting any of this? BTW I asked GS2 to delete the sh!t. YOUR WELCOME you ungrateful F UCKS. I LEFT NCN ...what more do you want from me? ... Oh wait.. are you and your hacker buddies going to hack into my PC again?... Now THAT FAILED... much like your attempted to hurt me or my rep on this site. NEW FLASH ...See what ya don't get is I know I am a b!tch and so do all the others on this site but they still like me. care to ask them?all but the nark Plymouth and Nyadas... Like I told you already... this is my play ground were you no sh!t about anyone here. I've had 8 years to make friends here. Look around... who do you have on your side here? the admin here?... like the ones you have to hide behind on NCN? Hell... good luck sucking up to him.. or maybe you like to suck him off? is that more your style to get on the admins good side? so ...... your call dumbass. it's so simple LEAVE ME ALONE... LMAO... whatcha going to do or say to me if I left this site too?... ya going hunt me down for leaving you @sshates alone on NCN ... F UCK what part of this don't you get? Plus what is your agenda here and what do you hope to accomplish here, other than making an @ss out of yourself harassing me over something that aint going to even happen? It ws nice to find out I could of sued one of the idiots on NCN though. ARE you in all honesty that dumb? Now go play in your admins forum like a good little KID and F UCK OFF. You're not going to get anywhere on this site .. and once other members from here (the fun bunch) read your BS ... well enjoy your stay... lord help ya... I'll just sit back laughing my @ss off at ya. much like I am doing NOW and have been since you came here to ecoustics. BTW I didn't use one of those info site as my lawyer sweet heart ... I actually hired one ... want to see the emails we exchanged? I can't prove the phone calls we also had regarding what I CAN AND CAN'T DO... on second thought ...I wont waist my effort to prove sh!t to any one of you ( much like you can't prove I am a tranny ...LMAO) but then even if I did prove it your to stupid to even understand them. Have a good night.. I know I am. LMAO BTW BUSTED ONCE AGAIN STOOOOOOPID. Hell I might just stay away and let Greg at ya ... or better yet Plymouth LMAO See I wasn't plaining on staying till you got here. but my work is done here now ... So I have no reason to stay here. SEE YA ... Doreen waves BYE BYE to the NCN idots and the Ecoustics 3 stooges. LMAO @ the lot of yas |
New member Username: SenecaPost Number: 9 Registered: Mar-13 | Spin your tales all you want and maybe one day somebody might actually believe one of them. Word, if you had been hacked like you claimed, you wouldn't be on the net now without a new PC. You have nothing but bull@hit lies. |
New member Username: Add_name_herePost Number: 2 Registered: Mar-13 | Shows how much you really know about Doreen. Unlike you she owns more than I pc within her household. We all know her hobby here and what she knows to about Computers. Seneca you are so full of your own bullsh!t. You've lied in every post you've made in this thread with you poor excuse at attempting to lie to her. Even I could read all your BS. What do you take us for around here? Who the hell are you to come in here and start bashing the fun bunch too with your holier than thou attitude? Go back to your site and take your BS with you. Your not welcomed here. Take that chithead Plybutt with you too. You two sound like a match made in heaven and deserve one an other. He's a mod maybe you can welcome him in your admins fun house of wh0res. |
Silver Member Username: Tommy_hPost Number: 755 Registered: Jan-12 | The NCN Trolls have arrived. |
Silver Member Username: Tommy_hPost Number: 756 Registered: Jan-12 | OldCARDNEWS has no power here. Go Fok urselves over there b!tches. |
Silver Member Username: Tommy_hPost Number: 757 Registered: Jan-12 | Gotta give a "f" for effort tho. (f_fukthem). |
New member Username: SenecaPost Number: 10 Registered: Mar-13 | from Doreens post here: My computer was hacked into and a few other things ALL affecting my real life. Do you what to pay the bills for me? I had it looked at and fixed. Not to mention all the software I had to buy to protect my computer from any further attempts from hackers etc... from Pm Doreen sent: i'm truing so hard to stay calm the "cops" are not involved they asked over the phone what the problem was I was having with my laptop .. they couldn't help me ... it was just the battery that is dead and causing my laptop to act like it is. posted here; Then you tell me my lawyer basically doesn't know sh!t about the laws .... then you talk about the 2d amendment he should care about that. from pm: I was told different by an other lawyer regarding the matters about ecoutics.. Mind you she was an on line lawyer /adviser (was the lawyer a he or a she?) posted here: BTW I didn't use one of those info site as my lawyer sweet heart ... I actually hired one ... want to see the emails we exchanged? I can't prove the phone calls we also had regarding what I CAN AND CAN'T DO... from pm: I was told different by an other lawyer regarding the matters about ecoutics.. Mind you she was an on line lawyer /adviser anyway I haven't had a face to face meeting with my lawyer yet .. just a phone call and an email. odd now its emails and phone calls,and was an online lawyer now its not... cant keep your stories straight Doreen?} |
Silver Member Username: Tommy_hPost Number: 758 Registered: Jan-12 | Plus the wrong forum Fukkedhead Seneca. I don't sh1t in your site,don't sh1t here B1ch. |
Silver Member Username: Tommy_hPost Number: 759 Registered: Jan-12 | NCN Trolls don't have the nads to use their real nicks without admin backup. Not gonnna get that luv here b1tches. |
Silver Member Username: Tommy_hPost Number: 760 Registered: Jan-12 | Home > Forum > Suggestions & Feedback > Insanity running amok here Welcome Tommy_h. You are now logged in. Check new messages �½ Edit profile �½ Log out Discussion � Insanity running amok here seneca New member Username: Seneca Post Number: 1 Registered: Mar-13 Seneca posted on Friday, March 15, 2013 - 15:18 GMT The problem with this site is nothing more than the keyboard cowboys who post asinine remarks and act as if they own it. You don't like the way a site is run, you leave. You want to have a site run your way, you get off your @ss and open your own, then do what ever you want. It isn't hard to do, I'm sure if the "fun bunch" would put as much effort into using there intelligence (questionable)instead of acting like children they might even be able to muster enough brain power to open and run one. but from what I have read from them I highly doubt it. Doreen Bronze Member Username: Athena_ Post Number: 47 Registered: Jan-13 Athena_ posted on Sunday, March 17, 2013 - 21:04 GMT ALL the members you are referring to as the fun bunch were here way b4 any of the "The bunch of idiots' you are defending ... If you think talking about bestiality is your idea of "intelligence" not to mention... breaking the laws posting on a public forum such as this one IS on how to steal TV channels, then your own intelligence is questionable. You failed.... sorry not buying your crap. OH AND PLEASE LEAVE IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT HERE... After all any idiot can find a new site to gossip in and bad mouth others. Here's a hint MAKE YOUR OWN!!! seneca New member Username: Seneca Post Number: 2 Registered: Mar-13 Seneca posted on Wednesday, March 20, 2013 - 02:04 GMT You have just shown how questionable your intelligence is because no where in that post do I defend anyone. As for making my own, I have two very well run ones and you won't find any of the garbage that spews here posted on them. You Doreen are a total idiot so i take it you will be finding a new site to spread your venom.I highly doubt that you will be welcomed to many since shall we say in the admin forums your name has become well known as a trouble maker. Doreen Bronze Member Username: Athena_ Post Number: 49 Registered: Jan-13 Athena_ posted on Wednesday, March 20, 2013 - 17:36 GMT But you do indicate that the "fun bunch are (as quoted by you)... I'm sure if the "fun bunch" would put as much effort into using there intelligence (questionable)instead of acting like children they might even be able to muster enough brain power to open and run one. but from what I have read from them I highly doubt it. then you have the audacity to posts ( as quoted by you)... You have just shown how questionable your intelligence is because no where in that post do I defend anyone. so which is it ? Are you or are you not defending the "others" in your post? News flash " total idiot" you are indeed defending the "others" here on this site STFU and get lost if you don't like it here. As for me being a "trouble maker" and "not welcomed" on other sites. I WAS a member of just one other site like this one. And... I was harassed there and defamed by many over a LIE PLYMOUTH started here about me ( talk about your trouble maker) you want to ask my lawyer about that nosy? BTW.... FYI MR Thinks he knows it all... I QUIT the other site I would bet you're either Nydas or Subash or a friend judging by your posts and comments towards me. Not to mention there are MANY that defended me on here and that other site. So either gets your facts straight or SHUT UP ABOUT ME or any other member here that you really know nothing about. You say you are not defending anyone? ... Perhaps you should have written "you are not defending the fun bunch but condone the "bestiality and illegal post sand activities regarding TV channel Piracy" nonsense from the others". Is that what kind of sites you run? Well then maybe your sites can benefit from the "intelligence" of the 3 stooges that you are defending here. LMAO... you know nothing of what really goes on here do you? Word from the wise.... Never take someone at face value. Doreen Bronze Member Username: Athena_ Post Number: 50 Registered: Jan-13 Athena_ posted on Wednesday, March 20, 2013 - 18:08 GMT One other thing ... why don't you ask all the GOOD MEMBERS that were banned for NO REASON by Plymouth so that his "friend" Nydas can be #1 around here or ask LK (LK_lives) why he is threatened to be banned here as well and Many Many others. Or ask the top poster (wingmanalive)of this entire site how he feels about the "others"? He too was threaten to be banned. FOR WHAT REASON you may ponder? LMAO... ask Nydasand Plymouth they seem be the only ones to feel that Paul should be banned. Oh but wait seem to think you know it all and WHO the "trouble makers" are around here. What was I thinking when questioning your intelligence? LMAO go to the satellite TV form and see for yourself since you claim you're not "defending" anyone here... Lets just see who's side you really are on. FYI... I haven't been on this site for a year and in my absence the crap is still going on without my help. So Please address your issues regarding the "trouble makers" and take them up with Admin here of this site before you go and point your accusing figure in my direction Mr. know NOTHING. seneca New member Username: Seneca Post Number: 3 Registered: Mar-13 Seneca posted on Thursday, March 21, 2013 - 02:59 GMT I wonder if you quit the other site or were shown the door. If your style of posting and attitude are any example I'm sure it was the latter.And yes shall we address the fact that Admin is the owner of this site and not you, the fun bunch nor any of members, if he is unhappy with the way "his" site is run its his place to correct it. if I were him I would kick the whole lot of you out and I'm sure his site would do just fine. seneca New member Username: Seneca Post Number: 4 Registered: Mar-13 Seneca posted on Thursday, March 21, 2013 - 03:35 GMT defamation?libel? where? For your information an internet persona cannot be sued for defamation nor libel of another internet persona. You would have to show that it has affected your life in a harmful way and since no one knows who you are except Doreen you are just blowing smoke out your @ss. Are you saying that you are the only Doreen in the world therefore everyone knows you personally? Undoubtedly your lawyer has yet to finish law school or he/she would know basic 2nd amendment rights and laws. Doreen Bronze Member Username: Athena_ Post Number: 54 Registered: Jan-13 Athena_ posted on Thursday, March 21, 2013 - 15:16 GMT LMAO listen I know for a FACT that I can sue for Libel because my real name was written within some of the posts. MY personal information was posted up on many sites along with my real picture and email address. I was also harassed by other members being referred to as a transvestite and other names and treated accordingly to that false rumors. My computer was hacked into and a few other things ALL affecting my real life. Do you what to pay the bills for me? I had it looked at and fixed. Not to mention all the software I had to buy to protect my computer from any further attempts from hackers etc... How do you know no one knows who Doreen is really is or my real name? FYI Mr. know NOTHING.. MY REAL NAME WAS POSTED ... Do you understand that and can you comprehend English and what Libel defamation really is? Go ask a lawyer just what I can or can't do in my situation. See I do my home work and you sound like a stupid f^ck to me now who's intelligence is very questionable and your agenda here on this site. Anyone can search the internet and assume what they read is true fact ... but pay and or ask a real lawyer and find out just what is right. You assume to much for someone that doesn't know sh!t about me or what really goes on behind the scenes of this and other sites by it's members. Much like Plymouth when he started that rumor about me here on this site and his "MOD" powers here. He is a useless moron and stupid as all get out plus a liar. this I can prove. He'd fit right in on your sites judging by you comments and attitude. Both you and he KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ME OR MY REAL LIFE OR WHAT I CAN DO ACCORDING TO THE LAWS. I am done conversing with the likes of you. Go kiss Plymouth @ss some more and defend him.. WOW for someone that says he doesn't defend anyone you sure go out of your way to defend the actions of the libel acts of others. Here for further reference Libel defamation is when a persons real name and personal information and or along with their real photo is posted in the attempt to defame that person in a malice attempt to defame their reputation. Written for one or more to read on a newspaper, a letter, a website posting ,in forums , Blogs, twitter, an email, a picture, or a radio or TV broadcast. If you can prove that someone libeled you, and that person does not have a good defence to hurt your reputation and can be proven with malice. THAT IS LIBEL. Doreen Bronze Member Username: Athena_ Post Number: 55 Registered: Jan-13 Athena_ posted on Thursday, March 21, 2013 - 15:23 GMT since you're stalking me on other sites as it appears you are .. I can go post on that site any time I want to... I was NOT shown the door as you think ...but I don't have to prove sh!t to you BUT CAN IF YOU WISH.... so again shut up and stop assuming you know everything about me or what goes on, on other sites regarding me. LMAO you sound just like the 3 stooges.... no wonder you're here... LOL this is pathetic. This is getting creepy.... go stalk Plymouth he like that kind of attention. seneca New member Username: Seneca Post Number: 5 Registered: Mar-13 Seneca posted on Thursday, March 21, 2013 - 18:42 GMT Stalking you? You do seem to have an exaggerated sense of yourself.Let me put this in a more clear text so that you will understand it. We have a forum of admins from across the net, we discuss things and trouble makers are one of those things. You are considered a trouble maker. You have provided quite a few chuckles with your idiotic remarks. today alone you have provided some amusing tidbits. You claim here that you were hacked, but yet one of the admins actually posted that in a pm to her you said it was in fact your battery giving you trouble, very interesting. Doreen Bronze Member Username: Athena_ Post Number: 56 Registered: Jan-13 Athena_ posted on Thursday, March 21, 2013 - 20:53 GMT Speaking of interesting >.. postd by you " We have a forum of admins from across the net, we discuss things and trouble makers are one of those things. You are considered a trouble maker. You have provided quite a few chuckles with your idiotic remarks. today alone you have provided some amusing tidbits." Well "we" as you so like to refer to yourselves as ... are you basing this information just solely on what you've read on this site or on other sites as well? Are you a member of the "other site" I was on? And can you prove that the OWNER AND ADMIN'S of that site see me as you CLAIM "A TROUBLE MAKER"? NOW I SEE WERE YOU'RE COMING FROM Seneca.... you just posted You claim here that you were hacked, but yet one of the admins actually posted that in a pm to her you said it was in fact your battery giving you trouble, very interesting. " First off genius... who is "HER" and what "ADMIN" PMed her? Just how do you know this ? Not to mention how would you know anything about what was posted or Pmed on the other site? I don't recall mentioning what the "other sites" name is . Strange in deed.... for someone not stalking me sure know much about who pm's who ABOUT ME on a site you claim you know noting about. Second.. My battery was a problem, yes .. but explain to me why there was a unexpected HIDDEN portions within my hard drive found. Plus all software that was in it... that I know for a fact I never put there and was NOT made when installing windows . Keeping in mind I fix and set up PC as a hobby. NOT TO MENTION WHY MY CURSER WAS GOING WACKO AND WHY I HAD NO CONTROL OVER MY PC. SOUNDS LIKE A HACKER ATTACT TO ME... NO? Since I had my PC looked at by another tech had it FIXED and got rid of that hidden partition and the software found in it and reformatted my PC... things are working just fine now, all but the battery which is dead now. Very interesting how too you know so little now but yet so much about the facts. Especially about who pm's who and what was said within those PM's on other sites that you claim you know NOTHING about! YOU ALSO CLAIM YOU'RE JUST BASING YOUR INPUT ABOUT ME SOLELY BASED ON WHAT IS POSTED ON THIS SITE ONLY IN THIS ADMIN'S FORUM. YOU SIR ARE FULL OF SH!T AND YOU'RE SO BUSTED EPIC FAIL ON YOUR PART WHOEVER YOU REALLY ARE. Oh and FYI...some of us here and on the other site are sitting here reading your BS and having a great laugh at your expense as well. The more you spew your BS the more you reveal who you really are and what your true intentions are posting here. If you are JUST reading the admin's forums then how the hell do you know all about the "fun bunch" considering many of them don't post in the feed back forum here? Strange in deed and very interesting. BTW your bullsh!t posts are just that ... so back off. seneca New member Username: Seneca Post Number: 6 Registered: Mar-13 Seneca posted on Thursday, March 21, 2013 - 21:17 GMT I guess I will have to go and put this in even simpler text so you can understand it. No where do I say it is a admin forum here,or anything to do with this admin section on this site. There is a separate site ,not here that admins gather and discuss sites we run. We also have an IRC that we talk in. Get it yet or is even that beyond what your brain can process ? You sent a pm to an admin dumb@ss, and she is not only an admin/site owner, she is also member of our group. I guess I could break in down in terms a six year old would understand if this is to much for you still yet. (�½- can't ban gregraf from forum-�½) Silver Member Username: Mememememe Post Number: 212 Registered: Sep-12 Mememememe posted on Friday, March 22, 2013 - 02:42 GMT I like how your mother always put it in simple texts seneca lol I beleave her last one said "Whore for hire " lol So true ! |
Bronze Member Username: SenecaPost Number: 11 Registered: Mar-13 | Only B1ch and whore here is the one that sent her half naked pictures to a stranger on the internet. |
New member Username: Add_name_herePost Number: 3 Registered: Mar-13 | Are you a fawken preacher man or a f@gget Seneca? Holy chit you sound like one with your holier than thou preacher man bullchit. Dude is your wrinkly shrivelled up floppy dic tofawked up to jerk off? Your sounding like a fawken jealous h0rny old bast@rd because Doreen didn't send you her pic to you fucktard. I just spent the last few hours reading this NCN site. I must say the majority of the members there are fawken rednecks wannabies big chits hiding behind their keyboards like a scared little b!tch does. And this ALICAT must be the only b!tch you fawkers have on your site. From what I've read from her she's one fawken stundcunt. You faggs keep that b!tch around as your mascot?. Tell her I wouldn't fawk her with your own saggy skanky dic. I bet she gums the chit out of it for you in your admins play house. It's not a wonder why your an admin there and your other sites, You fawkers aint got a real life and get off on pushing your "powa" BS on defenceless women. That's so low man. You still fawking your cheer leader wife? Or did she find a young buck with balls and dic the size of a bulls? I hear she's quit the hottie and parades herself around in nothing more than her s1utty underwear for a punch of h0rny@ssed football players and her fans in the stands. Gawd some piece of chit you are Seneca. Hit the road @sswipe preacher man. |
New member Username: Add_name_herePost Number: 4 Registered: Mar-13 | Seneca do you share your wife with strangers. How much do you charge for a one night stand with her? I'll fawk her hell I'll even make sure I shoot my load all over her kunt so you can suck it up you cumsucking f@gget. |
Bronze Member Username: SenecaPost Number: 12 Registered: Mar-13 | Man you are just pathetic. Do you have schizophrenia? You seem to be unable to use one name here. Is that a way to make it look like there is traffic here? I don't know who you think I am, my wife isn't a cheerleader so Doreen, wrong again. As for pictures, everybody saw them,looks like a man so not interested. AC has more class in her little finger and she tried to help (Doreen)but you can't talk to an idiot.Maybe somebody needs to find all this information Doreen claims is out there and ask her hubby if he likes her sending pics to men on the internet. Oh that's right its ok to do that since she isn't married to him, just a shack up. |
New member Username: Add_name_herePost Number: 5 Registered: Mar-13 | Is that a trick you use having a fake nick to do all your bullchit posts hiding behind it like a little pu ssy you are? I read the newcardnews site and many members there think Doreen is a woman so blow it out your @ss you freaking f@gget or is it tranny? I've even seen that poll on that Satchat site you failed at making.LMAO 95 Hey buttfuck Trashedwithnoskills how did that work out for you anyway? LMAO Then you even reopened it. LMAO What the hell for, to have even more people say they think Doreen's a woman? What a complete useless pose you are. This N101 @sshate started a rumor about Doreen being a tranny because he thought Doreen was YOU and then you go all girly and cry like big baby. Then like the bumbfuck you are you fell for that BS. LMAO Are you that fawked in the head or are you just a paranoid psycho? You scared Doreen is going to sue you for being a stupid paranoid fawk? So tell us all here at Ecoustics how long have they thought you are a tranny? I get it now, this Alicat chick is your altar ego and better half. Have you ever met this Alicat person face to face? How do you even know that two faced b!tch is woman? Or did she go on cam and show you her skanky kunt? You say she tried to help Doreen? Doesn't look like it from what I've read. She's the schizophrenic b!tch. One day she's defending Doreen then posts privet messages between Doreen and her and c/p Doreen's posts from Eoustics on to NCN to make fun of her and then back stabs her to boot in you admin play ground. She's a low life chicken chit back stabbing wh0re and can't even come here to start her chit so she sends out her bulldog here? Nice friend you got there pal and not to fawking classy either . |
New member Username: Add_name_herePost Number: 6 Registered: Mar-13 | Doesn't look like everyone is saying Doreen's a man. looks like just you tranny and 3 others but they could be all you voting. ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: SenecaPost Number: 13 Registered: Mar-13 | Lmao, Doreen I'm not Trashedwithnoskills either. So who is the dumb@ss. And no the whore is still you Doreen. Seneca is my one and only nic. I don't have to hide under puppets. And yes AC took up for you until you started with your bullsh@t suing everybody. She warned you that was going to cause you trouble.The only posts I can see at those sites are after you kept being an idiot. |
New member Username: Add_name_herePost Number: 7 Registered: Mar-13 | What makes you think I'm Doreen FFS? What are you some sort of psychic and know all and see all? Your so full of yourself. ROLMAO Your posts are some of the most ridiculous asinine crap I have ever read Yet here you are claiming yourself to be of sort of intelligent holier than thou preacher man. Pal your not even close to having it right. The way you post here is just like the bullchit you post over on NCN. and that poll you started ROLMAO Priceless You win first place for the most redundant waste of time ever. It doesn't take a genius to figure out your Trashed after reading your crap on NCN. You got your name right though it suits you Trashedwithnoskills. As for Doreen starting anything, I've read over and over again how it was you and a few others starting it with her just because your a chit disturbing and disturbed tranny with some sort of mental disorder. N101 sure had you pegged. To bad Doreen was the victim because N101 thought she was you are first. What even more pathetic is that you actually believed N101 when he said Doreen was a man based on a picture. I've seen that picture. BOY you need your head checked if you think she looks like man. You're the only tranny here. what's more the sad thing is, you yourself are to retarded to get a grip that Doreen was trying to help you with your own wife when that idiot N101 started his BS with her. Can you tells us why people call you Tranny? This I'd like to know LOL It's you who is the schizophrenic here pal and one motherfawker of a psycho. Doreen left NCN and you come here to Ecoustics where you knew she was. Answer this question honestly, why did you come here? Her leaving wasn't enough so you had to follow her here to belittle her some more with your chit? What the fawk is wrong with you? Are you some sort of stalker like she's told me you are? I had to come here to see for myself what was going on because Doreen's story's were sounding far fetched and too crazy to beleive, but I can obviously see it for myself now. Get a life pal and try paying more attention to your own wife for a change. Put more effort into that and not so much time harassing women over the internet. Your nothing more than an internet troll FFS. |
Bronze Member Username: SenecaPost Number: 14 Registered: Mar-13 | What is sad is how ignorant you are. You rode the special bus to school didn't you. You want to believe I am trashed nothing I can do but laugh at that. My good friend told me to let it go, not have a battle of wits with unarmed people and don't crawl in the gutter with the white trash. |
Bronze Member Username: SenecaPost Number: 15 Registered: Mar-13 | What makes me sure you are Doreen, easy I have been reading plenty of her posts . Consistent in misspelling same words over and over is a dead give away.And a little something she said in her pm to AC. and I quote her "most are me" |
New member Username: Add_name_herePost Number: 8 Registered: Mar-13 | Who the fawk really cares if your Trashed or not. You could be Alicat for all I fawking care. You want to believe Doreen's a man and there's nothing she can say to change your mind. So now I should care about you and spare your feelings? HEY PAL FAWK YOU AND THAT HIGH HORSE YOU RODE IN HERE ON. You came on this site and started it. No one asked you to fawking come in here or did your good friend tell you too? Fawk that b!tch too. FYI butthead,I could be God for all you really know. But it's very clear you know noting but what Ali tells you LMAO and what the hell does "most are me" mean? Talking to those voices in your schizophrenic head again psycho? LOL Fawk off retard I've wasted enough time on you. |
Silver Member Username: Tommy_hPost Number: 762 Registered: Jan-12 | Seneca you're real pos an dont have the nads to face the music when you started it in the first place. LOL typical b1tch move if I ever seen one. |
Silver Member Username: Tommy_hPost Number: 765 Registered: Jan-12 | Their just from from shitsatchat and Nocardnews. They need professional help. |
Platinum Member Username: LklivesPost Number: 17071 Registered: Jan-06 | a former admin at many sites for many years and a former site owner as well, there is NO such thing as a designated "Forums" for admins and owners from various satellite sites to gather in Irc , Mirc or any manner to chat about their problems or members... ocassionally different site owners or admins may PM each other at their own individual site but there is NO "common ground" designated "Forums" ONLY for admins and owners to discuss things about their different sites and, like a secret Mafia forums for various "families" to discuss things, how ridiculous is that statement by seneca...thats all horsechit talk that is being spread by seneca, whomever he/she may be... seneca, obviously U came here for 1 start chit and harass and stalk Doreen..why don't ya grow up and go back to the hole ya crawled out of and let people be.. |
Bronze Member Username: Athena_Post Number: 61 Registered: Jan-13 | I know they don't have an "adman's forum" like this Seneca posted. His or her friend(S) still think I am a man there and stalked me here like Plymouth does at other sites( LMAO ) So chances are he or she is an idiot from NCN( newcardnews ) and you know as well as I do LK all about the idiots on that site and it's sister sites " satchat and The daily topics" They're all worthless wannabie control freaks ( all of them an admin of those sites) living behind the admins tools banning and threating anyone that disagrees with them or makes them look like a moron. |
Platinum Member Username: LklivesPost Number: 17072 Registered: Jan-06 | I won't bash NCN because I was only there for a week and couldn't deal with a particular member and so I left and never went back...They allowed some guy "duck" dude (drunken wannabe war hero) to start chit whenever he was buzzed and control the site and then hacked into my computer and then bashed people and then bragged about it publicly at NCN, so I bailed and never looked appeared to me this duck character ran the show over there, since he was given a free reign to do and say whatever he wanted and NCN allowed was as bad as Ecoustics and NN and Plymouth here.. anyways, regardless of NCN, this seneca is talking chit here and for obvious reasons he is also stalking you Doreen , if he's from NCN and has the need to come here and talk chit.. |
Silver Member Username: Tommy_hPost Number: 766 Registered: Jan-12 | Ncn hacks your Email and Pc after they befriend you to get your trust and use Plymutt's playbook to back stab you like he did to Greg. NcN = a very bad place ,with even worst ppl. Here at least you know the three people not to trusted,there it's all of them . |
Bronze Member Username: Athena_Post Number: 62 Registered: Jan-13 | Yeah I hear ya both... Ducky gets banned all the time but comes back with a vengeance. He even wanted me to join some CMG site ( all great hackers)I am not a hacker but I wish I was at times but I choose not to learn that sh!t and for good reasons too. He befriended me for months but now I read even he's ignoring my PM's now and talking sh!t about me. I stayed there just reading and not posting in the public forms near the end of my stay there, only posting in PM's with all the friends I THOUGHT I made there. Ducky's friend passed away and I PMed him my condolences and he totally ignored it and started talking sh!t and bragging in a public forum about me. WTF? WHY? I never did anything but stick up for him. I don't know what they think I am but whatever they post about me I AM NOT they are not even close! So they can ALL go fu ck themselves on all those other sites too. I'm not even a member of them. I should start charging rent for the amount of time they all spend thinking and post BS about me. Hell I'd be rich... WHAT A WASTE OF TIME AND EFFORT ON THEIR PART. Everyone of them is an admin on those sites too. It's like a bunch of little kids fighting to be KING ADMIN and if you post something they don't like , they ban for 3 days or they get other admins from one of those sites to threaten you and of Hack into your PC. Just what do they hope to find in LK's case? In my case they wanted to find nakked pix of me or find some kind of proof to show others I am really a tranny like they all think of all things .... LMAO.... how'd that work out for them ? you cant fimd something that doesn't exist what a bunch of retards? Like they say to others on their sties "STAY OUT OF MY SAND BOX" Ecoustics is my play ground and I know all the players here reasonably well by now after being here for 8 years or so. I don't know about any of you but who would want to be a member of 3 or 4 more sites DAILY possibly more? Hell I couldn't barely keep up on NCN let alone all those other sites as well. They must not have jobs to be able to post that much on all those sites every single day of the week for hours on end. Then have the audacity to come in here to Ecoustics and start their crap? Like you say Tom... on Ecoustics the 3 nutcases were the only one's the fun bunch EVER went after and for good reason too. But on those other sites it's bashing time just to prove " I am the Admin so you have to do it my way or your banned." It's all childish kid games. Other members beg to become admins too. LOL WHY? They back stab you on one site but are nice to you on another one.. WTF is that? At least here the fun bunch HAVE EACH OTHERS BACKS and never betray each other either. LK it's way worse on those site than here. We all know the idiots nutcases here have no power. they are all Kids and no nothing. THEY SHOULD ALL GO TO NNEWCARDNEWS OR SATCHAT AND SEE JUST HOW MUCH POWER THEY HAVE THERE.... THEY WOULDN'T LAST A WEEK AT EITHER OF THOSE SITES. As a matter of fact Plymouth was "broomer" on NCN at one time and got ran off that site LMAO@THAT So he came here on Ecoustics acting like a big shot. More like a big SH!THEAD if you ask me. |
Platinum Member Username: LklivesPost Number: 17073 Registered: Jan-06 | Right now and the past few years, since satellite TV is basically done and there is no more testing, these satellite sites have nothing to offer...and the admins are all ego tripping and bored to death and have no real life outside of their lil sites and they like to flex and play computer Rambo, showing just how much of a loser they are..and how little they have to offer and how bored they are.. in the old days when sat TV was popular and testing was done everyday, admins were too busy keeping thousands of members informed of new methods and ways to test, and never had any time or desire to pull a Rambo routine unless a member just got completely out of hand and was then banned immediately and forever, and allowing others to actually learn and do some real testing. I myself got into a new gig, helping ppl quit smoking cigarettes and using tobacco, by using electronic cigarettes (Ecigs)...learned alot myself about how Ecigs are so cheap and best and safest way to quit tobacco and save ya a ton of money while saving yer health at the same time..many forums are around about Ecigs and they have become super popular worldwide in lieu of "patches" and pills" that rarely work for anybody and are very expensive compared to the Ecig method of quitting.. |
Silver Member Username: Tommy_hPost Number: 775 Registered: Jan-12 | ![]() |
Silver Member Username: Tommy_hPost Number: 782 Registered: Jan-12 | SENECA aka Alicat. |
Platinum Member Username: PlymouthCanada Post Number: 16761 Registered: Jan-08 | seneca New member Username: Seneca Post Number: 1 Registered: Mar-13 Seneca posted on Friday, March 15, 2013 - 15:18 GMT The problem with this site is nothing more than the keyboard cowboys who post asinine remarks and act as if they own it. You don't like the way a site is run, you leave. You want to have a site run your way, you get off your @ss and open your own, then do what ever you want. It isn't hard to do, I'm sure if the "fun bunch" would put as much effort into using there intelligence (questionable)instead of acting like children they might even be able to muster enough brain power to open and run one. but from what I have read from them I highly doubt it. These idiots of fun bunch just killed this site! |
Platinum Member Username: LklivesPost Number: 17079 Registered: Jan-06 | This site was informative and had alot of daily traffic until NN, Plymutt, and all the fake characters and brown ppl came along...Plymutt, it was U and your brown buds and fake character's rudeness and ignorance that ruined this site, along with DN and Brian...we all told ya this would happen...U were warned, but too ignorant to comprehend..DN did it intentionally, Brian sold out to DN, and the staff were just a bunch of DN slugs in disguise making up fake characters, and U Plymutt and NN were just plain stupid.. U all got what U deserved...and brought upon this site all by yourselves.. |
Platinum Member Username: PlymouthCanada Post Number: 16762 Registered: Jan-08 | Poor stupid LK! Tell the truth and admit that when I left as well as Nydas the site lost traffic, you and your stupid so called fun bunch then the queen ruined this site and no other persons! The proof is in the graphic traffic! Leave the drug and comes back to earth! |
Bronze Member Username: SenecaPost Number: 16 Registered: Mar-13 | LMAO so I am AC? I have only one name I use dumbfuk and that is Seneca. I do so get a kick out of your idiotic posts. More like Doreen is Tom and a few others here. From the looks of it she is the one with no life and what little bit of one she has is pathetic. Btw Doreen I went back to those sites and read all those posts,very easy for anyone to do since you dont have to be a member to see all posts,funny that the only one I saw posting your email addy and such was you yourself. Are you truly that ignorant, never mind I already know the answer to that question. You were run off those sites for no other reason except being an ignorant b*tch looking to be the center of attention, you got what you deserved for sending men your ugly azz man pics. |
Bronze Member Username: Athena_Post Number: 71 Registered: Jan-13 | stupid idiots Seneca go ask Gs2... I asked him to DELETE most of the stuff from NCN well over a month ago... so try again .... you couldn't of read sh!t after the fact, unless you were reading there when it was all posted in the first place. Since you say your ONLY nick name is Seneca and I you weren't a member over at NCN, plus I never heard of your nick until Ali started posting about me on SC there is no way in hell you could have read sh!t on STFU and stop lying Senseless BTW It was N101 that posted up my email address moron.. your post just shows you really NO SH!T or paid attention.... now that is funny.... if you're not ALi then you're Trashed...AKA trashedwithnoskills .... AKA STUPID F UCK! you going to use your ADMIN powa's on me here for talking sh!t about you? LMAO good luck with that. As for me being a "man" ... most here know I am not, so it's you now that looks like a lying fool. OH and Plymouth you're also full of SH!T.... I'm not even going to explain why.... anyone that ever was here before and after you joined Ecoustics all knows the truth.. just who the are you trying to fool? I don't need to use puppet or fake nicks here or any other place.. I have way more fun just being me and never have I hid the fact that I am me when I use a new nick. Brian has always known who I am as well as everyone else. So again making your retarded assumptions that I am someone else is just ludicrous to say the least. LMAO.... wow this place was bad before but now Plymouth thinks senseless is on his side... LOL... you can have each other. Plymouth aka Broomer and trashed ...ya make a great team... both stupid and fucked in the head believe their own lies and believe I am a man ....NOW THAT FUNNY AS HELL!!!.....LMAO@the both of ya |
Bronze Member Username: Athena_Post Number: 72 Registered: Jan-13 | Plymouth, this site lost all credibility when yourself and Nydas attempted to take it over.... if it wasn't for "the fun bunch" all that would be posting would have been you and the other 3 moronic idiots and nicks that Nydas uses. Ever noticed Nydas is gone and so are all is "puppet" nicks? Now prove me wrong... I'll bet when Nydas if and when he dose come back in May, so will Pest control and the others. |
Silver Member Username: Tommy_hPost Number: 787 Registered: Jan-12 | No takers on that bet Doreen. Your just so true with that statement. |
Bronze Member Username: Athena_Post Number: 82 Registered: Jan-13 | What can I say Tom... when you're right you're right LOL. The 3 stooges are so bad at lying it's pathetic. They need lessens on how to make their lies more believable.... Is there an app for that? LOL |