New Key's is NOT the issue here today people...if you are getting all channels except PPV, PURN, ethnic, and Most Movie channels then you have the newest key's.......
ALL RECEIVERS VIEWSAT,PANSAT, ALL CLONES are in need of new soon as the new bin's are out we will post the links
C/P Well DN has really stepped it up with the latest ECM. They are starting to use the full potential of REV 10C. This is the use of running dynamic code to decrypt the Control Words. Most Manufactures have released but are seeing freezing on the PPV, Internationals and Movie channels. The good news is we get Video. It will take some time for the coders to get it right but this is a good step in knowing it can be beat.
On 119 and 110, u still get everything except movie channels, p0rn and some ppv. there are still some ppv channels, AND u get the ppv events too still.