if i watch globecast (the little time i get to watch since it's down most of the time) and then i go to 110 or 119, i get very bad reception and then the NO SIGNAL message
once i reboot my 2500A, then i have signal on 110/119 but when initially making the change from a GC channel to a non-GC channel it says NO SIGNAL
it doesnt happen the other way around, like from 110/119 to 97.0W....only from GC to DN
- Turn off all LNB power in antenna setup for any unused LNB - make sure yo got good crimps no exposed cables - Make sure no moistures on any connectors - Cover any unused coax output on sw or LNB - change the order of coax outputs off LNB - DO NOT USE ANY TYPE OF SPLITTERS - NO SW21 - May want to try to use different DISEqC switch Brand