Sadly, it's all been a ruse to dump some 9,500 units from Korea. Production has been reduced on the VSExtreme and Platinum's and will eventually stop altogether
Focus will now be on the new VS HDD. Rumored to have internet connection so any updates(bin files) will be done automatically.
TDG has been a patsy in all of the updates from Mr V
Any compensation TDG was expecting was also a big lie.
TDG is pissed off as hell and will be posting his rant/update soon.
If the shutdown of the factory is true, then I think we can kiss Pirate TV goodbye for the average Joe. They have kept the prices pumped up despite the loss of DN, in order to recoup what they could. Constantly updating saying it is almost done is such an obvious ruse to sell boxes it is laughable, but it must have worked. And remember, the people you are dealing with are selling something with the promise of something for nothing, essentially selling Dish without owning any part of it. To expect ethics from such a group of people is foolish. They are in it for the money period, not loyalty, not typical business ethics, none of the above. They would just laugh at you if you had the gall to complain. But something good did come from it, the increase in features, upgradability, and ease of use for FTA. For that we can thank them.
lickballs if u are used to leakballs then do it yourself and let the other a side. fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk tdg guy fuckkkkkkkk viewsat move on the what is working . why you keep feeling soory for tdg are you his girfriends do u know how much he got from viewsat stop all ur fuckkkkkkkking buullll shiiiiiiit okkkkkkkk im tired of you idiotsssssssss
Just checked Ebay for prices on FTA. The buy it now stuff has changed only a little bit, but no one seems to be buying or bidding. I wonder how much longer the price will hold when the bin is not out another week. I personally would like a Dreambox 7000. But I don't want to pay 700.00 for it. Just my dream. LOL. I wouldn't pay more than 50.00 for any FTA receiver right now from anyone. There is way too much inventory out there with dealers, etc. to justify paying more with the shrinking customer base. It should be a buyers market, and will be eventually.
jon you may have come to late to this game. a fix is a software update that may never happen. but you can use ure reciever as it was intended, but the free chanels s.uck.
I agree with you Joe. It's a buyers market now. All the prices going to go down while their units are not working.
Jon, the viewsat will only work on fta right now.
The Neosat ipro 1000 and Dreambox are the only units working right now. The cool-sat can use the rom 102 cards with a loader if you can unlock the card.
What good is a HDD unit with no fix? There is over capacity of units allready,can't unload.If a fix came out 2morrow,Stiluncertanly,would prefent ppl from buying them.Pansh*t said they were going to release theres during a long ecm didn't happen,all excuses to get time to unload old stock.DEALERS WON"T ORDER ANY MORE UNIT"S PERIOD !!! Don't want to get stuck with stock
"Mr V. has been lying to me from the get go. I insisted on a cardless fix, but it turns out that the "mapping" and having a coder work on it 24/7 was a lie to buy some time to get their VS HDD-hard disc drive up and running for distribution.
VS NEVER had a laser scope to scan. VS NEVER had a coder working on MAP 27. VS NEVER any intention of offering a cardless by way of a BIN fix.
Do not buy anything from VS. Especially this new VS-HDD that will be marketed aggressively to the un-informed buyer. The new VS-HDD will only be available by subscribing via internet connection for updates/downloads.
A $25 a month subscription is not worth it.
Find a SUB from your local cable company or DN/DS.
Cars sharing CANT go down. Find family and friends to share DTV with, split the bill. EASY!!! NO down time at all. Wont get ppv or p0rn, but everything else at a fraction of the cost!