Hi I am new to Home Theatre and have been researching on everything from recievers to speakers. In the end i have decided on buying POLK RM6700 speaker set with SW303 sub. Now I am left with the reciever. I have kind of narrowed my search to Onkyo TXSR601 or HK AVR230 . Both are for $500 dollars. Can you ppl suggest which one would suit my POLK speaker set best. Also I would like to set up the front speakers through the sub as polk suggests ( i dont fully understand that though).
The prices you mention are list prices and you should be able to get either for much less. Check around at several on-line, mail order etc spots and see. As far as sonic quality goes I prefer the H/K by a small margain. I really like both but the H/K is a bit warmer and will have much better 5 channel power output than the Onkyo. They both have the same number of inputs so that's a wash. The H/K is a new model made in China so I don't know if quality is going to be an issue as far as build quality goes. Also the H/K is kind of radical looking IMO although I sort of like it. I seems we are going back ot silver after 20 years of all black. Have you been able to hear them? Circuit City sells both and the Polks so you can ask to hear both setups. What Polk is saying about the sub is to run your front speaker wires to the sub first and then another set back to the front speakers. The only advantage to this is that the sub will be active all the time which is good but if the sub out on the receiver is active all the time it's an inconvenient way to set up your system and serves no purpose. Since either receiver will sound good with the Polks you need to listen to these systems with your own music and play around with the receivers and remotes and determine which one you are the most comfortable with. Good sound either way. Good luck.
gurleen, i own the TXSR600 which i bought when it first came out 1.5 years ago while it has been a good receiver for me i found its power rating a bit exagerated you have to crank it quite a bit just for normal listening level but features etc it is great. but i plan on replacing it with outlaw seperates early next year.