Sub replacment


Unregistered guest
I have a pair of 12" speakers that are 8 ohms apiece and was wondering if it would be ok to swap out the original 12"s that they came with and in thier place put 12" car subs that are 4ohms. if i did replace the subs in my speakers with the car subs, would the total num of ohms add back up to eight? would it be ok to do it if the subs in the speaker say that they are 4ohms? (which they dont) and how does one calculate the total number of ohms a speaker has (example: would a 4 ohm sub with a 2 ohm tweeter and a 4 ohm mid equal 10 ohms total?. im new at this and any imput would be greatly helpful.

Silver Member
Username: Gavincumm

Post Number: 105
Registered: Feb-05
you also have to keep in mind of the overall sensitivity of the drivers. If it is overly sensitive, the sound will be muddy and bassy. If the sensitivity is too low, the sound will be sucked out and lifeless, with a hollow sound.
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