HD50LPW62A Not Powering up Bulb Intermittantly


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Username: Yxgwfty

Post Number: 1
Registered: Nov-06
After calling the "Customer Service" and getting the scripted "Your Bulb is bad, please remove, send to Thompson, and wait 14-21 days" I sent the bulb in, bought a NEW bulb for the intern, and thought I'd be set. HOWEVER, the problem I had is still present, and getting worse. Originally the unit started intermittantly powering down and re-starting. I called the RCA Service and they had me remove the bulb assembly and inspect it...no glazing, filiment intact. Reseated the assembly, no problems. Shortly thereafter, the unit started blinking on startup in the morning(front power light), but would power on after about 5 minutes. During the day, seemed to power on just fine. Called RCA again, this time they had me send the bulb in to be replaced. As I mention, I bought a new bulb and installed it, the unit powered up. Great, I figured. 2 days later, back to same story. Unit getting to where it won't power the bulb up at all. At first I thought it might be heat related (too cold) but as the days go on, that is proves not to be a factor. I figure it may be the ballast or power supply, but how to I get RCA to acknowledge this? The Manufactures Warranty expired as of the 24th of November, but the original acted upon report (RCA's acknowledgement and replacement of the bulb as the problem) occured before the end of the warranty, so I figure it should stay as a open case. In fact I anticipate Thompson finding the "faultly" bulb is not so faulty. I have sent a very proffesional request for a "Qualified Tech Support" person to contact me, but I have serious reservations about that. I would appreciate any advise and comments about what to do as it is getting a little frustrating.

New member
Username: Bennoach

Post Number: 1
Registered: Dec-06
I am having the same problem with a hd50lpw62A.
They replaced the bulb and the noisy color wheel.
Still reboots. I noticed the muffin fan on the power supply was not running. RCA told the tech not to worry about it. The fan only ran when it got to a certain temperature.

I also cannot get the HDMI input to work with my
Toshiba DR5.

They are going to look at it again after the new year.
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