I think a CRT blew out ... can I fix it?


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Username: Captainmorgan

Post Number: 1
Registered: Apr-05
First off, what a great forum. This is my first post--I've been viewing for a while, but havn't had a question 'til now.

I have a 1998 Magnavox/Phillips 54" RPTV, model 6P5440.

Last week there was a sizzle from the back of the unit, along with a lot of odorous smoke.

Initially there was no picture. But now the picture shows as all red. There is a faint image and light colored lines zigzagged across the screen (kind of like an oscilloscope effect). In the middle of the screen is a black smudge as though something is on a lens.

I'm thinking I fried a CRT. I don't have the money right now to buy one of those tasty DLP or LCD projection units. So I'd like to salvage this if possible ... even if it only lasts another year or so.

So my questions are:
1. Does it sound like a CRT blew.
2. Does it make sense to fix it?
3. Is CRT replacement a DIY job? ... all I've known how to do so far is replace CRT Coolant, and adjust convergence ... and please don't let my use of the word "oscilloscope" fool you, I know absolutely nothing about electronics :-).


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Username: Captainmorgan

Post Number: 2
Registered: Apr-05

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Username: Johnofarc

Little Rock, Arkansas USA

Post Number: 1
Registered: Apr-05
I have a HLP 4663 purchased at BB in February 2005. The remote control mysteriously quit working. I contacted Samsung and we tried to reset the remote but to no avail. I was then told that someone from Samsung with decision making power would call me within a week (!!?) and let me know what Samsung planned to do if anything.

Secondly, The television is out of sync with the other non-HD tv's in our home. This is annoying when two tv's within earshot of one another are playing the same program. Is this just a cable box phenomena or is there a problem?

Silver Member
Username: Paul_ohstbucks

Post Number: 571
Registered: Jan-05

It sounds pretty serious to me. You could always pay $50 to have a tech make a home visit and give you an estimate. Dont be suprised if the number they throw at you is a 'huge' number.

If that is the case, I wouldnt get it fixed. You could always go to a backup TV until your finances are in order for a HD replacement. Hey, look on the bright side. Your tv did give you 8 good years:-)

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Username: Quantumk

Post Number: 1
Registered: Apr-05
I'm not a TV tech, but I know a bit about projections due to my job. I clean electronics that have been through fires and are covered in soot. You're best bet is to take the back cover off the TV and look at the three CRT's. It's very obvious if the CRT's are on or not. If you actually look at the back side of the screen you should see blue, green, and red lines going down the middle of the screen. They should all be pretty much the same brightness, length and width. If one of these lines is missing or half there then one of your CRT's is most likely shot. If a CRT needs replacing, it is best done by a pro, it does'nt seem like a simple switching process, mainly due to the High Voltage lines and recalibration. And in the long run if it wasnt the CRT, but a driver all along, you'd be out a bit of money and time....Get it looked at. Especially if you dont know much about electronics.
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