CD burn-in


Unregistered guest
Could sombody explain to me the whole CD burn-in thing. What needs to burn-in?
What is the number of hours played before you can say your CD sound is as good as it will ever be?
And, how does this change the sound of CD, I mean everybody seem to think that this is neccessary, but what in the sound improves over time ?


Unregistered guest
Ooops, I meant CD player burn-in

New member
Username: Suspecterrain

Woodland, MI US

Post Number: 7
Registered: Jun-04
It is said that harshness diminishes and depth increases over time (or, whatever that particular units strengths are) - especially on higher quality front ends. The idea is that the crystal boudaries within raw circuits blur as the electrical signal carves a path of least resistance. Heady stuff, but the proof's in the puddin'. I've read 30-90 hours of play time as typical examples of burn-in time.

What kinda player ya got?
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